• Report to show delegations

    I am  a novice in OneID, but have what may be a simple question: Is there a report that can show the history of delegations during an attestation run?

    EXAMPLE: There is an attestation run from 6/1/24 - 6/10/24.

    During that attestation run, admins had…

  • IGA reporting in external platform

    During the EIC2024 in Berlin I had a chat about what data / tables are required to report and analyze some of the classic Identity Governance questions (who has what assigned why, cluster analyzes).

    The requirement was to extract/provide this data in…

  • How to make a report created in the Report Editor available in the Simple List Report?


    In One Identity Manager 8.2.1 I have created a report in the Report Editor, and I want to make it avaible in the Simple List Report view of the Web Portal.

    I've tried to add it from the Manager, as shown below:

    Then, I assigned the report to…

  • Ad group not assigned

    Hello experts,

    (Ver 7.1.2)

    We have an active directory group that is not being assigned as we expected.


    We have a Service item published in the IT shop that has an Active directory group associated. Whenever an employee requests it and the approval workflow…

  • Report field is not exporting as a date in Excel

    Greetings, Background: I am attempting to export a report in Report Editor that contains a datatime field and  would like to export the field in excel as a date format. When the report is exported into Excel, my fields displays a string and not as a date…

  • Create Report Parameter using Table

    Hi ,

    I am new to the reporting tool and attempting to create a Report Parameter that pulls all the distinct company members from the database so the user can select the desired company name. I have created the report but when using the Data Source =…

  • History DB related query

    We are able to setup history DB and able to export and import data. I can see Job history, process info etc exported and imported to HDB. I have below major quires.


    1. How can we generate reports on HDB what data is imported and when or what exported from…
  • Weekly Scheduled Report for ADSAccount Disabled by Identity Manager

    I've been looking at report editor, and while I'm familiar with building reports, I can't seem to figure out how I build a report based on changes (account disabled) that occurred during a specific date range.


    • A report that includes…
  • RE: Send synchronization editor log with a mail

    As I have written before. Set the parameter ParameterName1 to "uidDPRJournal" and the parameter ParameterValue1 to "&OUT(NameOfYourOutParameter)&"

    You renamed one of the parameters to "uidDPRJournal", that's why it isn't working…

  • RE: Send synchronization editor log with a mail


    at your ReportComponent step, set the parameter ParameterName1 to "uidDPRJournal" and the parameter ParameterValue1 to "&OUT(NameOfYourOutParameter)&"

    That should do the trick as you do not have a proper ParameterSet in…

  • Web front end report generator - PDF and CSV


    Is anyone able to advise how I can edit the default reports that are generated on the Dell One Identity Manager Web front end, where you can export the view as a PDF or CSV?

    I know that for the PDF version it generates the report VI_Reporting_DefaultTemplate…

  • Problem with OOTB report - "User account operations" - Headers missing from CSV attachment

    In D1IM 7.0 I am subscribed to the OOTB report, "User account operations" that shows all user account operations for a specified period. I have already configured the base data to log these operations and to be clear the report looks fine when…

  • Want to view the OOTB UNS AccountB attestation reports in Web Portal

    I want to view the OOTB UNSAccountB and entitlement attestation reports in Web Portal. Can someone please suggest on how I can view and run the OOTB attestation reports in the Web Portal? I am on D1IM Version 7.0


  • Completed Attestation Multiplies by 10

    I have the following query to run custom Attestation Report for UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB. The issue here is I am getting multiple attestation cases for one Attestation. For Example if I have 29 completed completed cases I get 290 in the custom report.