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Webservice Call via Proxy Server

Hey everyone,

I´ve set up a webservice in the Designer. The webservice connects to an external Service URL and the WSDL file is stored locally. I also defined a proxy server, that should be used for connecting. I defined it without http(s) ->

URL: <proxyservername>.<domainname>.de

After I`ve checked the connection in the wizard, there were no issues. The external URL can be called in the webbrowser, where the proxy server is also set up.

But when I try to run the script, which was generated after the webservice was set up in debug mode, I get the message, that the the URL name in the the WSDL file can`t be resolved. What can the issue be? I just want to make sure, that I configured everything correctly.


Thanks in advance


  • Are you executing the script on the same server as the one you tested on? If running the script through a process remember it is the job server that will run the script so make sure your JS can connect to the url. If you have verified this already then my point is moot :)

  • Are you executing the script on the same server as the one you tested on? If running the script through a process remember it is the job server that will run the script so make sure your JS can connect to the url. If you have verified this already then my point is moot :)

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