• OAuth PowerShell One Identity App server call

    Can someone validate my thinking here?

    If I wanted to make Application server calls after obtaining a token from Azure, I should be able to use this PowerShell function, right?

    <# Code disclaimer - Do not trust this. If you don't understand what I wrote…

  • web service

    "Hello, we want to pull individuals from our service desk platform(website) into the identity manager. I'm considering doing this via a web service, but I'm unsure of how to proceed. Could you help me?

  • Setting up web server that is running on AKS - oneidentity/oneim-web


    I set up servers on ACR and AKS

    When I try to login to web server with the viadmin or user that I created during the DB initialization, I get error wrong password or user. When I try to create a new one from the portal I get:

    An error occurred…
  • Client certificate-based authentication from 1IM to web-service

    We have an existing integration with a target system via a web-service API. For that, 1IM performs calls to the web service API from a custom script (in DialogScript table) which user auto-generated proxy-code script (in DialogWebService table). These…

  • Web Application connect to Application server


    I have met an issue today: I can't create any user from the web portal anymore. I have an error like: 

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method Popup0_Popup0_ControlRef2_Container6_Button1_Method.
    Application server returned…
  • Customize the view of child service categories in web shop


    Is there a possibility to customize the sub service categories into boxes in the web shop instead of clicking on change service category to display the tree.

    I would like them to show as boxes within the parent box.

    Thank you

  • Web Services certificate validation


    We are trying to connect to a remote service via Web Services in IdentityManager 8.1.1. It works in v6, but we are getting a certificate error in v8. 

    "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." 

    I think this…

  • Webservice Call via Proxy Server

    Hey everyone,

    I´ve set up a webservice in the Designer. The webservice connects to an external Service URL and the WSDL file is stored locally. I also defined a proxy server, that should be used for connecting. I defined it without http(s) -> …

  • SOAP vs REST

    Hi Experts,

    Are there any technical differences (e.g. limitations) between using REST or SOAP API to call One Identity? I believe 7.1.1 supports both REST and SOAP so I was curious to find out when is it advisable to use which one and if one of them has…

  • Sending Character Entities in Web Service Request


    We have a Remedy web service configured in OIM 7.0.2 to create Remedy work orders from OIM. We have generated the custom script to call the web service method using the OIM web service wizard. One of the fields we need to send is a description …

  • How can we use Authentication in Dell Identity Manager 7 REST API?

    Our customer is trying to use Dell One REST API to create Person Objects and ADSGroup Objects but not sure how to pass credentials/authentication info in the payload? Can we do it all in the same call or do we need to run an authentication API call first…

  • Web Services InvokeCustomizer?

    Hi can someone explain when/why you would use the web service method InvokeCustomizer?