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Is it possible to change web portal title

Hello, we have a requirement that the title of the web portal pages has to be changed to customer name.

for example

"Login - Dell One Identity Manager" should be changed to "Login - Customer Name

"Home Page - Dell One Identity Manager" should be changed to "Home Page - Customer Name

we are using OneIM 7.1.2 version.


  • Hi Roman,


    Need some more input how to change title and logo value for password reset portal?

    I am able to find "QER_PasswordWeb_FormTemplate" but where exact to edit for title. Since we are still able to see default title on password web portal.

    adding screen shot for more understanding.

    Thanks and Best regards.

  • Hi Roman,


    Need some more input how to change title and logo value for password reset portal?

    I am able to find "QER_PasswordWeb_FormTemplate" but where exact to edit for title. Since we are still able to see default title on password web portal.

    adding screen shot for more understanding.

    Thanks and Best regards.

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