• Data Source Toolbar Filter

    Hi, what has changed in the new 'v92" branch on GitHub. The filter we set did work before but now it doesn't work anymore. We only want to show the directs when the view is initial loaded (don't have to set filter manually).

    Do I have…

  • Webportal error

    Hi Guys,

    Does anybody have some idea about the below error notification in the old web portal? We are trying to create a new role and create it for the adsgroup.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'responseData' of undefined

    The API server…

  • System roles - Main data fields


    I have the problem that I can't add new fields to the main data of "System Roles". Normally it's possible through the API Configuration:

    I go under QER > Property Editor / Propertys that can be edited / System Roles and want…

  • How can i edit Web Portal login error message?

    Hi everyone,

    How can I edit the default Web Portal login error message "You are not authorized to use this database."?

    From Web Portal in VI_Common_Login, I see "Container7 - error container" but I can't modify the message from that.…

  • Add a Tooltip in a Web Portal form

    Is it possible on a form of the Angular Web Portal to show a description of the various fields to help the end-user understand how to fill them in?

    In Manager/Designer the fields' description is visible through the Remark property and is displayed when…

  • Request IT Shop item for people not in the shop with new Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I am using One Identity Manager On Demand v.9.2 with the new Web Portal.

    We need to allow some HR employees to request an item for all the users who do not have access to the IT Shop. If I remember correctly, this was possible with the old…

  • Disable user creation in IdentityManager (web)

    Hi guys,

    I'm searching for an easy solution to disable the user creation in the Web IdentityManager, in case that we don't want to allow users these option.
    It would be also fine if we just can disable the button in the web-interface, unfortunately…

  • Angular WebPortal Problem


    We are using Angular Web Portal. We passed custom application for the api server. Some users use the web portal properly. Evertyhing seems good but some users also cannot use web portal properly. They have been getting an error ('TypeError:Cannot…

  • How to use Database View to load data from Database into the local collections in Web Designer

    I have created a view in Database and I am trying to load the content of the view into the Local collection in the Webdesigner just like how we fetch contents of Database table into Local collection using Database Object component type. I tried using…

  • Chaining filters in the API

    Hello everyone,

    while using the standard API you can often input filters. Sadly I have only be able to use one filter per request. 

    E. g.: {{baseUrl}}/portal/person/all?PageSize=50&filter=[{"CompareOp":0,"Type":0,"ColumnName":"IsInActive","Value1"…

  • IT Shop Dependencies in the new web portal


    I'm trying to solve the same problem as "">www.oneidentity.com/.../dependencies-in-the-it-shop", but the new portal is giving me trouble and the flag is not resolving the issue. (Request configuration / Allow requests with missing…

  • How to open link in a new browser window password reset portal

    Hi all,

    When I log in with the admin portal in configuration, I can enter the URL for the password reset portal. I want it to open in a new tab when I click on this URL, but it's not happening. Could you help me with this subject

    Best regards,

  • How Can We See Our Authorization as a List Instead of Hyperview

    Hi all,

    Our customer want to see on authorizations (ADGROUP, LDAPGROUP etc.) as a list or grid instead of hyperview. Is it possibble? Could you lead us for this subject?

    Best regards,

  • IT Shop - Require same system entitlements for multiple applications

    Hi guys,

    I need to create different applications into Web Portal and I have to assign to them the same system entitlements (type Active Directory):

    Application 1 - entitlement x, entitlement y

    Application 2 - entitlement x, entitlement y

    Application 3…

  • Angular Web Portal Import Problem


      I followed all the steps in the given link “support.oneidentity.com/.../3. Firstly, I downloaded the project from GitHub and then customized the project and built the project. Then, I zip the file as “Html_qer-app-portal” and saved via Software loader…

  • Web Portal failed import Angular project.

    Hi Everyone,

    I have downloaded the code from github and custumize code in visual studio code. After I custumize the code I builded it and saved as 'Html_qer-app-portal.zip'. I import the file while Software Loader and I copied the zip file to the "bin…

  • Delete Org membership API doesn't work

    I'm trying to call the DELETE API on the endpoint /ApiServer/portal/roles/config/membership/Org/{UID_Org}/{UID_Person} and I receive a 200 OK response with the membership details, but the membership is not removed. Is it an API problem? Has anyone encountered…

  • Request History Buttons


    when you open My Responsibilites > Identities and select one there is the tab "Requests". There is the history of what that person ordered.

    When you select one order, it will open up a sidesheet. And there will also buttons show up …

  • [Web portal] Set the visibility of a new page based on having an AERole

    I have created a new page on the web portal and I would like this menu to be visible only to users who own a specific AERole.
    Is there an Angular component in the project that allows me to carry out this check?
    Something like QerPermissionsService and QerPermissionsHelper…

  • [Web portal] Placeholder text for date field

    Hello everyone,

    Anyone know how I can change the placeholder format of the Date field in OIM version 9.1?

    The placeholder has the format M/d/yyyy and I would like to use DD/MM/YYYY which corresponds to the French format.

    Thanks in advance

  • Failed to authenticate user using OAuth2/Open ID Connect. System.ArgumentException: Invalid JSON primitive: .

    Hello All, 

    We're trying to connect One Identity Manger with Keycloak using openID Connect protocol. Once we enter the URL of the Web portal it redirects back to AM for authentication, after authentication it redirect back to the web portal but with…

  • PersonInOrg API miss in portal qerClient

    The method that calls the /portal/candidates/PersonInOrg endpoint (standard API) is not present in Agular Project's qerClient.

    There are methods for PeronInAERole, PersonInDepartment, PersonInProfitCenter... But PersonInOrg miss.

    In API Server --…

  • Translations in new web (Angular)


    i added a new text in the web, which i want to be translated. But i don't find out where these changes are made.

    I tried in the Designer Base Data > Localization > Translatable text to add a new EntryKey. But in the Translation Editor the…

  • [Angular Web Portal] - How to retrieve logged user's Central Account

    How can I retrieve logged user's Central Account?

    In session I can retrieve userId, isLoggedIn and Username parameter, but no one of these is identity Central Account.

    this.onSessionResponse = this.authentication.onSessionResponse.subscribe(async…

  • Attestation properties are not displayed as configured in web portal attestation case details

    Hello experts.

    I have a question regarding an attestation case. We created a custom attestation procedure where we have to display the values for an attestor to approve or deny a new value of a certain attribute.

    However when the attestation case is generated…