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Error in Integrating Password reset portal to Web Portal

Hi ,

I am using Identity Manager v8.

I have configured " Employee(Role Based)" as authentication module in my web portal and want to integrate it to Password Reset Portal. I have installed Password reset portal and it is working fine if we directly access it from the browser or access it from Login page" Forgot password link". However, upon accessing the Password reset portal from within web Portal-->Mypassword-->Manage My password option , I am getting   " 404 - File or directory not found." 

While i have already set the properties for QPM integration in Web Project configuration as--


Please suggest any pointers. In addition, I need to know what value to be provided in Identification Domain . I tested with and without identification dmain and the error is still same.

pasThanks !




  • The settings underneath QPM integration are for the QPM integreatio. You need to set the configuration settings Link to password reset page and Link to password reset web in version 8. Easiest way to find them is to use the search bar of the project configuration editor.

  • The settings underneath QPM integration are for the QPM integreatio. You need to set the configuration settings Link to password reset page and Link to password reset web in version 8. Easiest way to find them is to use the search bar of the project configuration editor.

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