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Exception Approval Deny workflow does not trigger anything



I have assigned system role to the user which has compliance rule. In compliance rule, we have set the condition as follows

If user has Role1, it should not have Role2

Now, when I assign both system roles to the user, compliance rule is triggered and the workflow goes to Exception approver. Now even if the exception approver denies this violation, system roles are not getting revoked. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Or it is the expected behavior?

  • My understanding is from front end, whenever the user requests for entitlement, respective workflow gets triggered and whatever is there in the workflow, it gets executed. For compliance check, I need to add CR approval procedure and Exception approval procedure in the next step so that Exception approver can approve/deny the request. In this case, compliance rule violation comes as "Pending request" for the exception approver and not in "Pending rule violation" so violations comes in "Pending rule violation" only when rule is violated through backend. Let me know if my understanding is correct.
    If yes, then I think I don't need Approve/ Deny action in "Pending Rule violation" tab
  • My understanding is from front end, whenever the user requests for entitlement, respective workflow gets triggered and whatever is there in the workflow, it gets executed. For compliance check, I need to add CR approval procedure and Exception approval procedure in the next step so that Exception approver can approve/deny the request. In this case, compliance rule violation comes as "Pending request" for the exception approver and not in "Pending rule violation" so violations comes in "Pending rule violation" only when rule is violated through backend. Let me know if my understanding is correct.
    If yes, then I think I don't need Approve/ Deny action in "Pending Rule violation" tab
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