• System roles - Main data fields


    I have the problem that I can't add new fields to the main data of "System Roles". Normally it's possible through the API Configuration:

    I go under QER > Property Editor / Propertys that can be edited / System Roles and want…

  • AD group as requestable product

    Hello Experts,

    We are new to IDM (V8) and we are trying to figure out how an AD group is added to AD account when request is completely provisioned in IDM(AD group is configured as System role)

    Can some one please provide me the background process  and…

  • Exception Approval Deny workflow does not trigger anything



    I have assigned system role to the user which has compliance rule. In compliance rule, we have set the condition as follows

    If user has Role1, it should not have Role2

    Now, when I assign both system roles to the user, compliance rule is triggered…

  • Unable to remove AD group tied with system role from user



    I have tied AD group with system role in Manager. When I assign system role to user, the corresponding AD group gets assigned to user but now when I try to remove the system role from user, corresponding AD group doesn't get removed. Why is it so…