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Invalid error in Certificate

In One Idm ,we are sending Mail to user .Recently we are getting an error like "

ErrorMessages = (2018-11-26 10:40:19.390) Executed on: server_default

[System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

   at StdioProcessor.StdioProcessor._Execute(Job job)

   at VI.JobService.JobComponents.MailComponent.Activate(String task)

   at VI.JobService.JobComponents.MailComponent._SendRichMail()

   at VI.JobService.JobComponents.MailComponent._Send(MimeMessage message, MailSecurity security)

   at VI.JobService.JobComponents.MailComponent._GetOrOpenSmtpConnection()

   at MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient.Connect(String host, Int32 port, SecureSocketOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken).

We did not include SSL. But still we are getting this error.

Please guide me how to solve this.

  • If you are using version 8.x then I would suggest that you look at the following two configuration parameters to confirm that they are enabled:



    Beginning with version 8 Identity Manager is more restrictive on certificates such as self signed and those that have a mismatch in the server name. If those are turned off then I kindly suggest to confirm that the send mail step in your process has those two parameters enabled see example below:

  • If you are using version 8.x then I would suggest that you look at the following two configuration parameters to confirm that they are enabled:



    Beginning with version 8 Identity Manager is more restrictive on certificates such as self signed and those that have a mismatch in the server name. If those are turned off then I kindly suggest to confirm that the send mail step in your process has those two parameters enabled see example below:
