• custom process: no approver available for attestation


    If there is something that needs to be approved, but no approver is available, the system will abort the task with the reason "#LDS#Automatic system approval: No approver available.|".

    This is true for IT Shop requests and attestation cases…

  • Why is the "UID_RichMail" parameter empty in process "VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO send mail to remind approver"?

    Hi everyone,

    In One Identity Manager v. 8.2.0 there's the default process "VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO send mail to remind approver". In the Designer, inside Pre-script for generating, I can see by default: 

    values("UID_RichMail") = $FK(UID_QERWorkingStep…

  • Send Mail Error

    Hi, i'm currently using 8.1.3, and i'm facing this error while sending a mail.

    (2022-06-20 12:58:22.900) [System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    at StdioProcessor…

  • The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

    Hi, i'm currently using 8.1.3, and i'm facing this error while sending a mail.

    (2022-06-20 12:58:22.900) [System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    at StdioProcessor…

  • Add and change footer and header for all or part of mail templates

    Good day,

    I am relatively new to One Identity Manager, Designer, etc..
    I have already searched in the forum and via Google, but did not find a suitable answer.

    Is there a way to add a new footer and header to all or part of mail templates at the same time…

  • HTMLEncoding mail template


    1IM 8.1

    I am try send mail with russian text. 

    In paremeters of process set HtmlEncoding=UTF-8, but I get mails in Windows-1251 encoding. 

    If mail with only EN text - I get mails in UTF8. 


  • Is mailboax required to send mails or Distribution List can work to send mails?


    We are trying to use AWS SES to send mails from One IM to users but the sender which we are using doesn't have mailbox instead it is part of distribution list. But we are getting error "No such host is known". How can we resolve this?…

  • Attestation mail events are not getting triggered


    We are working on One IM version 8.0 and we have restored our database. But, now attestation mails are not getting triggered. We see that event "DecisionRequired" should get triggered when a new attestation is raised or when a new ITshop request is…

  • Events and mails are not getting triggered after One IM version upgrade


    We have upgraded One IM from 8.0 to 8.0.2. But, events for assigning account definition, mails and few others are not getting triggered. What can be the cause? Please suggest.

  • Invalid error in Certificate

    In One Idm ,we are sending Mail to user .Recently we are getting an error like "

    ErrorMessages = (2018-11-26 10:40:19.390) Executed on: server_default

    [System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException] The remote certificate is invalid according…

  • How to add error message on the email sent by the on error notification process?


    We are trying to send a detailed email (including the error message, available in the Job queue) to the administrators. 

    How can I add this error message in the email's body sent on "notification on error"? 


    Thanks for your help
