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How to check user's last login details?


Is there any table where user's last login details to webportal is stored? 

  • Hi,

    select * from DialogJournal
           where ApplicationName = 'Web Portal Runtime'
           order by MessageDate desc

    By default, only failed logins will be recorded.

    If you want to record successful logins you have to enable the config parm:  Common\Journal\LoginAudit

    Note:  This will enable login logging for ALL applications - including the jobserver services.

    HTH, Barry.

    P.S. This assumes you are on V7 or above.

  • Can we check last login of specific user?

  • Hi,

    Looking at my 714 system I don't see 'web portal runtime' ..... I see a string containing 'ITShop'

    So I would adjust the query to:

    select * from dialogjournal

    where applicationname like '%itshop%' and messagestring like '%<your user id>%'

    where <your user id> is the id of the user you are looking to trace.

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi,

    Looking at my 714 system I don't see 'web portal runtime' ..... I see a string containing 'ITShop'

    So I would adjust the query to:

    select * from dialogjournal

    where applicationname like '%itshop%' and messagestring like '%<your user id>%'

    where <your user id> is the id of the user you are looking to trace.

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi,

    I am not able to see the user id record though I can see that the success login is getting recorded. We are using OAuth/OpenId(role based) module for authentication. And I can see below values in DialogJournal table. 

    Applicationname : /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IM360-1-131961765361415148

    MessageString : #LDS#Login succeeded for module {0}, properties: {1}, identity: {2}, client machine: {3}|OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect (role based)||-|

  • So what version are you using? In addition, your IDP should know who has logged in, shouldn't he?