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Database Update to 8.0.2 (QBM FinalizeCustomer failed

From either version 7.0.3 -> 8.0.2 or from 8.0.0 -> 8.0.2, occasionally the upgrade fails (we have done multiple proof of concept updates) with:

Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.
at ConfigWizard.Pages.PageMigration.<StartMigration>d__17.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
at Quantum.Migrator.Migrator.RunInstallation(Boolean bUpdate)
6 - Wait command failed.
at Quantum.Migrator.Base.ExtensionMethods.ExecuteWithLogging(IMigrationStep step, MigrationContext context)
at Quantum.Migrator.Base.ExtensionMethods.ExecuteWithLogging(IList`1 lCommands, MigrationContext context)
Evaluation of error conditions processed.
at Quantum.Migrator.Base.ExtensionMethods.ExecuteWithLogging(IList`1 lCommands, MigrationContext context)
at Quantum.Migrator.Base.CommandBase.Execute(MigrationContext context)
at Quantum.Migrator.WaitCommand.OnExecute(MigrationContext context)
Error conditions returned with true.
at Quantum.Migrator.WaitCommand.OnExecute(MigrationContext context)

Sometimes a restore of the database and re-upgrade attempt completes, but it isn't consistent.

The schema installation operation appears to have "QBM-K-QBMConstraintEnable2" process with "DPR-K-TriggerCreateMembership" as next in line, but it queues and repeats the "QBM-K-QBMConstraintEnable2" 

Crash report

2019-03-19 16:54:32	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:33	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:33	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:34	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:35	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:35	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:36	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:36	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:37	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:37	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:38	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:38	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:39	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:40	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:40	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:41	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:41	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:42	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:42	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:43	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:43	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:44	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:45	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:45	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:46	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:46	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:47	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:47	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:48	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:48	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:49	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:50	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:50	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:51	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:51	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:52	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:52	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:53	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:53	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:54	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:55	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:55	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:56	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:56	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:57	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:57	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:58	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:58	SqlLog	(1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where not exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                    where j.MessageDate  > DATEADD(MI, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(2 ms) - 
            declare @notReady int exec @notReady = QBM_PMigrationNotReadyForComp select @notReady
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(2 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:54:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:55:00	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:55:00	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:55:01	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:55:01	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:55:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:55:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:55:03	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select UID_Task, CountWaiting, CountProcessing, SortOrder, IsResetted from QBM_VDBQueueContent  order by SortOrder
2019-03-19 16:55:03	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) -  select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 from DialogDBQueue  )
2019-03-19 16:55:04	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2019-03-19 16:55:04	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - 
            select 1 where exists (select top 1 1 
                                   from DialogJournal j    
                                   where j.MessageDate > DATEADD(SS, -10, GETUTCDATE())
                                   and j.MessageType in ('E')
                                   and (j.MessageString like '%alter%table%constraint%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PRITriggerCreate%'
                                        or j.MessageString like '%QBM_PMakeConstraint%'

2019-03-19 16:55:04	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	6 - Wait command failed.
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	Migration failed with exception.
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	Processing post steps
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	Processing Quantum.Migrator.MigrationSteps steps
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	Quantum.Migrator.MigrationSteps steps to execute.
2019-03-19 16:55:04	Quantum.Migrator.Migrator	0 steps to execute.
2019-03-19 16:55:04	VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr	Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.

Some of the troubleshooting steps attempted:
1. Schedules were disabled
2. Job and dbqueues were emptied, all job services and web portals stopped
3. Cleared and re-enabled sql agents(qbmwatchdogprepare) right before upgrade

Any tips, please?


  • Are you using the latest CUs on the SQL Servers?

  • Our database is running off SQL Studio v17.9, on server v14.0.100.169... Our OIM 7.0.3 is running on 2016(130) compatibility mode, but for the upgrade we set it to 2017 (140) mode.  Are there known issues with either versions?

  • I do not know about any specific issues, you may want to contact support on that matter,  but I strongly encourage you to use the latest CU for SQL Server 2017 as you are still using the RTM build. And secondly, as listed in the documentation, you should use database level 130 instead of 140.

    If all of that doesn't help, I suggest contacting support.

  • We successfully updated our production system and did not encounter the update failed at all, so the original message is now behind us!  Thanks for the responses!

    Is there any concerns with running 8.0.2 with Database level 140?

  • I personally have no issues with database level 140, but If you have a support case, it might be that support requests you to set the database level to 130. This means using database level 140 to leverage some of the optimizations connected to this database level is fine, using level 140 exclusive features might be a no go.

    But for an official answer, I recommend contacting support.

  • I personally have no issues with database level 140, but If you have a support case, it might be that support requests you to set the database level to 130. This means using database level 140 to leverage some of the optimizations connected to this database level is fine, using level 140 exclusive features might be a no go.

    But for an official answer, I recommend contacting support.

No Data