• Error during database upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2

    Dear all

    I have installed the 9.2 tools and attempting to upgrade to version 9.2.

    However I am running into an error: Processing step 'QBM ConsistencyAdvanced (consistency checks base advanced)' failed.

    • We are running on a Azure SQL instance…
  • Dpr_Shell_Migrate error after upgrade from 8.1.5 to 9.0


    After upgrading to 9.0 , DPR_Migrate_Shell passed for all Synchronization projects except for one, it is giving me the following error 

    ErrorMessages  (2024-02-01 14:12:50.877) Migrate all database schemas (SystemId: FTP#66CBC063-859C-4C05…
  • Error during Upgrade from 8.1.3 to 9.2


    I am currently getting this error message during the Upgrade from 8.1.3 to 9.2:

    What is the cause for this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • How to do version upgrade from 8.2 to 9.1?

    Hi Team,

    As part of our upgrade activity, we are planning to migrate One Identity from version 8.2 to 9.1 very soon.

    I was looking for any resource available which outlines the steps for performing the One Identity version upgrade activity.

    Any documental…

  • upgrade

    Hi all

    I have One Identity password manager version installed on one of my Azure VM.
    i want to upgrade it to 5.12. please guide me with the steps as i have never used this product before.

  • Web portal Error after upgrade to 9.0 LTS

    Hi all ,

    Just going through the upgrade from 8.1.5 to 9.0 LTS

    I updated the current web config file as per .Net Error after upgrading IT Shop to 9.1 but it does seem to be resolving the issue. The Next step is re-installing the web portal but asking to…

  • Migrating sync project to 9.0

    After migrating from 8.1 to 9.0 IDM starts the DPR_Migrate_Shells jobs as expected to migrate the sync projects into the newest version.

    The issue is that the credentials for the associated connections are wrong (sql users were changed), therefore the…

  • I was upgrading a client OIM from version 8.1.3 to 8.2 and got the following error while trying to upgrade

    Processing step 'TSB CodeFileInsert (create procedures)' failed.
    3 - SqlFile command failed.
    Error processing sql command line 35 in file 030ViewDefinitionPostStuff\TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson.sql
    Error running statement: create function dbo.TSB_FTMembershipWithoutPerson…

  • Error during upgrade from 8.1.5 -> 9.0 LTS

    Received the below error while upgrading one of my lower environment from 8.1.5 to 9.0 LTS.. I am getting this error just before the System Update step.

    ERROR - Crash report

    Error compiling script (0,25): Keyword is not valid as an identifier…

  • Upgrade from One Identity Manager 8.1.5 to 9: LDAP Connector and LDAP Connector (version 2)

    soon we will upgrade the One Identity Manager from version 8.1.5 to 9. According to the release notes 8.2.1 (https://support.oneidentity.com/technical-documents/identity-manager/8.2.1/release-notes/3#TOPIC-1805043) the LDAP connector will not…
  • Upgrade One Identity Manger 8.1.1 to 8.1.5 - Error for Module "QBM"

    Hi all, 

    I am trying to upgrade OneIdentity Manager from 8.1.1 to 8.1.5. However, when updating the schema with ConfigWizard I get the following error message:

    [1782004] Bei der Generierung der Migrationsschritte für Modul 'QBM' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten…

  • Compiler Error after upgrade


    We have just upgraded from 8.1.1 to 8.1.4. All this are OK w.r.t web portal, application server, tools etc. but when I try to compile the database after committing a change, its giving me following error:

    "Error during execution of statement: select…

  • One identity manager DB back Restore

    Hello everyone, I just had an experience of unsuccessful upgrade from 8.0.2 to 8.0.5 in the Dev Environment (faced issues in DB compilation after the upgrade and other issues).

    Now I want to roll back, and I will restore backup which I took before the…

  • One Identity Manager Service not available in the windows services after upgrade to 8.0.5

    Hi everyone, I just updated identity manager from 8.0.2 to 8.0.5. Followed below steps:

    1. DB consistency was 100% ok

    2. all schedules were stopped

    3. DB queue was cleared.

    4. Full back of DB was in place

    5. one Identity Manager service was stopped on…

  • Upgrade Path / Steps from to 8.1.2?

    Hi Fellow experts,

    Hope you are doing well.

    I know such similar questions have been asked before on this forum, but I'm unable to find the answer I need. So for my clarification I'm asking it anyways and I'm hoping you guys will help like always …

  • Version 7.1.5 Error after Upgrade (Modules), DB queue not processing

    Hi ,

    I added AAD and Exchange online modules on my existing One ID environment.
    So while upgrading the DB, I got the below issue and then ran the below commands.


  • Provision AD and Exchange from One Identity if DNS cannot resolve the domain

    Hello everyone, we recently upgraded our exchange from 2010 to 2016 in Production (Currently one IDM is connected to exchange 2010 and we have both exchange 2010 and 2016 in our production. However, soon they will decommission the 2010 version). I need…

  • History Database Upgrade v8.0.1 to v8.1.1 - Service Disappeared

    I've just upgraded the HDB Service to be the same version as my recently upgrade 1IM install. I had the History Database Service on the same server as my regular job service. First I updated the workstation and updated the database. Then I logged into…

  • History Database Service Upgrade

    Hi I've just upgraded a History Database from v7.x to v8.0.1. I did this by running the installation media on the workstation folder and upgrading the History Database components on that server and then running the config wizard to upgrade the database…

  • Database Update to 8.0.2 (QBM FinalizeCustomer failed

    From either version 7.0.3 -> 8.0.2 or from 8.0.0 -> 8.0.2, occasionally the upgrade fails (we have done multiple proof of concept updates) with:

    Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.
    at ConfigWizard…

  • Events and mails are not getting triggered after One IM version upgrade


    We have upgraded One IM from 8.0 to 8.0.2. But, events for assigning account definition, mails and few others are not getting triggered. What can be the cause? Please suggest.

  • Unable to resolve errors in data consistency checks


    We are trying to upgrade One IM from 8.0 to 8.0.2. We checked below link and understood that we should check data consistency first. 


    While checking data consistency…