Problem with button “Deny” in Attestation Workflows.

When we deny an attestation approval, the product shows the next error:

We have check if the product doesn’t have the required dll (ATT.CompositionApi.dll), and we have check if the script has any error, but it compiles normally.


Error executing script ‘VI_AttestationCase_GetRemoveMembershipActions’.
Could not load file or assembly ‘ATT.CompositionApi, Version=,Culture=neutral,…’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Can you please, provide us, any solution for this error?


Thanks in advance.



  • Hi,

    Where did you check for the existence of the dll file?  Those should exist on the job server

    And as the script references other dll files as well, we can assume those exist somewhere.

    Have you confirmed in the table QBMFileRevision as well?


  • Hi Trevor,

    Sorry for the delay in my response, we still having the issue.

    I checked that the file is in the BBDD and also in the JobServer.

    Also we have checked the files that the script "VI_AttestationCase_RemoveMembership" references --> QER.CompositionApi and QBM.CompositionApi

    I can confirm that the files appears in the QBMFileRevision table.

    Something that we see strange is that all reviewed files are in the version, and the error seems to be related to the version

    If i can provide you some more information, please, let me know.

    Thanks in advance for your response.


  • Hi Trevor,

    Sorry for the delay in my response, we still having the issue.

    I checked that the file is in the BBDD and also in the JobServer.

    Also we have checked the files that the script "VI_AttestationCase_RemoveMembership" references --> QER.CompositionApi and QBM.CompositionApi

    I can confirm that the files appears in the QBMFileRevision table.

    Something that we see strange is that all reviewed files are in the version, and the error seems to be related to the version

    If i can provide you some more information, please, let me know.

    Thanks in advance for your response.


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