Customize the view of child service categories in web shop


Is there a possibility to customize the sub service categories into boxes in the web shop instead of clicking on change service category to display the tree.

I would like them to show as boxes within the parent box.

Thank you

  • Any update with this? Customer really want to see subcategories as boxes in a same way as parent category, if this is not possible they refuse to use One Identity.

  • You do know that the tile view is present in the new portal (as well after you have selected a service category) and that you can search across all service categories directly from within the main view? Attached are some screens from a 9.0 release.

    Main view with search

    Service category selected

  • Thanks for your response. Is there still any feature what is missing in new Web portal? I read relates notes and there is nothing mentioned, so asking just for sure. Thankk you

  • Hi Tomas,

    This list should go live on the Support Portal shortly. The following features are currently not available in the HTML5-based Web applications for Identity Manager 9.1.  For this functionality, use the WebDesigner-based Web applications.

    * Authentication: Authentication with WebAuthn security keys

    * Authentication: Managing WebAuthn security keys

    * Attestation: Assignment of mitigating controls in approval decisions

    * Administration: Displaying and editing resources

    * Administration: Displaying and editing devices

    * Administration: Assigning owners to devices

    * Administration: Assignment of ADSMachineInADSGroup

    * Administration: Access to "Access Governance"

    * Administration: Editing risk index functions

    * Administration: Analyzing SAP rules

    * Administration: Managing software applications

    * HDS: Helpdesk

    * Displaying data overviews for the application roles "Auditor" and "Security Officer"

    * Web components for the UCI, EPC and QAM modules

  • I thought I would ask on this thread as we had a request that is similar, which I think may be what Tomas was also looking for. We would like the HTML portal to have hierarchical tiles as levels that you can click through rather than selecting from a tree. Similar to how the Web Designer request page starts, but also including sub-categories as further levels.

    For example, using the Starling example we would like page one to have a list of selectable Service Categories, and only the Service Categories, not the services themselves eg:

    Access Lifecycle --- Active Directory Groups --- SharePoint Groups --- Mailboxes --- Other Services

    Then if the user clicks 'Access Lifecycle', have another page of tiles that just lists the sub-categories for Access Lifecycle, eg:

    Starling Cloud Assistant --- Virtual Learning Environment --- Other Services

    Then when clicking Starling Cloud Assistant they then get the services that can be requested for that sub-category listed as either a list or tiles.

    Is this possible with a configuration change? Or would we need to develop it ourselves in Angular code? Having an option to 'Show Sub-Categories in Service Item list' would solve it. We could then just leave categories empty of services if they are just part of a menu structure.

    Also, is there any way to deep link to a particular service category directly?

  • I thought I would ask on this thread as we had a request that is similar, which I think may be what Tomas was also looking for. We would like the HTML portal to have hierarchical tiles as levels that you can click through rather than selecting from a tree. Similar to how the Web Designer request page starts, but also including sub-categories as further levels.

    For example, using the Starling example we would like page one to have a list of selectable Service Categories, and only the Service Categories, not the services themselves eg:

    Access Lifecycle --- Active Directory Groups --- SharePoint Groups --- Mailboxes --- Other Services

    Then if the user clicks 'Access Lifecycle', have another page of tiles that just lists the sub-categories for Access Lifecycle, eg:

    Starling Cloud Assistant --- Virtual Learning Environment --- Other Services

    Then when clicking Starling Cloud Assistant they then get the services that can be requested for that sub-category listed as either a list or tiles.

    Is this possible with a configuration change? Or would we need to develop it ourselves in Angular code? Having an option to 'Show Sub-Categories in Service Item list' would solve it. We could then just leave categories empty of services if they are just part of a menu structure.

    Also, is there any way to deep link to a particular service category directly?
