Customize the view of child service categories in web shop


Is there a possibility to customize the sub service categories into boxes in the web shop instead of clicking on change service category to display the tree.

I would like them to show as boxes within the parent box.

Thank you

  • Any update with this? Customer really want to see subcategories as boxes in a same way as parent category, if this is not possible they refuse to use One Identity.

  • You do know that the tile view is present in the new portal (as well after you have selected a service category) and that you can search across all service categories directly from within the main view? Attached are some screens from a 9.0 release.

    Main view with search

    Service category selected

  • Thanks for your response. Is there still any feature what is missing in new Web portal? I read relates notes and there is nothing mentioned, so asking just for sure. Thankk you

  • Hi Tomas,

    This list should go live on the Support Portal shortly. The following features are currently not available in the HTML5-based Web applications for Identity Manager 9.1.  For this functionality, use the WebDesigner-based Web applications.

    * Authentication: Authentication with WebAuthn security keys

    * Authentication: Managing WebAuthn security keys

    * Attestation: Assignment of mitigating controls in approval decisions

    * Administration: Displaying and editing resources

    * Administration: Displaying and editing devices

    * Administration: Assigning owners to devices

    * Administration: Assignment of ADSMachineInADSGroup

    * Administration: Access to "Access Governance"

    * Administration: Editing risk index functions

    * Administration: Analyzing SAP rules

    * Administration: Managing software applications

    * HDS: Helpdesk

    * Displaying data overviews for the application roles "Auditor" and "Security Officer"

    * Web components for the UCI, EPC and QAM modules

  • I thought I would ask on this thread as we had a request that is similar, which I think may be what Tomas was also looking for. We would like the HTML portal to have hierarchical tiles as levels that you can click through rather than selecting from a tree. Similar to how the Web Designer request page starts, but also including sub-categories as further levels.

    For example, using the Starling example we would like page one to have a list of selectable Service Categories, and only the Service Categories, not the services themselves eg:

    Access Lifecycle --- Active Directory Groups --- SharePoint Groups --- Mailboxes --- Other Services

    Then if the user clicks 'Access Lifecycle', have another page of tiles that just lists the sub-categories for Access Lifecycle, eg:

    Starling Cloud Assistant --- Virtual Learning Environment --- Other Services

    Then when clicking Starling Cloud Assistant they then get the services that can be requested for that sub-category listed as either a list or tiles.

    Is this possible with a configuration change? Or would we need to develop it ourselves in Angular code? Having an option to 'Show Sub-Categories in Service Item list' would solve it. We could then just leave categories empty of services if they are just part of a menu structure.

    Also, is there any way to deep link to a particular service category directly?

  • Hi Nick,

    This is not a configuration option, but can be implemented by modifying the Angular code. The API exposes all the information necessary to build such a view.

    There is no way to link directly to a service category at the moment, although this is on the backlog.



  • Hi Hanno,

    do you know if the hierarchical view will be shown by default in the new angular IT Shop from OneIM 9.2? Because until now (we have 9.1.1) the homepage of the IT Shop shows all requestable items, while the legacy IT Shop shows by default the hierarchical view.



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