How to call auto generated Composition API methods by HTML Client with/without search parameter


it seems like compiling the Composition API and creating the HTML Client can be different based on the environment:

1) local (dev) => Composition API methods created with HandleGetByQuery do not have a "search" parameter in the Client, hence you normally have a signature like:

method_xyz_get(orderBy: string, startIndex: number, pageSize: number, filter: string): Promise<EntityCollectionData>;

2) plattform environment => The created Client has an additional "search" parameter, hence the signature would like this:

method_xyz_get(orderBy: string, startIndex: number, pageSize: number, filter: string, search: string): Promise<EntityCollectionData>;

I guess that the search parameter is created when an application sever with a search index exist. But since these properties are not declared as optional, the local implementation cannot be compiled on production due to:

ERROR in src/app/...: error TS2554: Expected 5 arguments, but got 4.

I couldn't found a workaround for this yet and was also not able to find a configuration setting which might lead to a consistent Client generation for both dev and non-dev environments.

How can we handle such a situation?

Best regards

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