• Error "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'imx_metadata_table_get')" when call API in Web Portal

    I am using Angular Web Portal 9.2.

    I am porting a Custom API from version 9.1 to version 9.2 to manage AERole or FirmPartners. I can get the list (via GET API), but I can't start a creation or modification.
    In frontend I get the error "TypeError: Cannot…

  • Translations does not comes into correct sort order

    Hello All,

    We are using oneIM 9.2 version and using Angular web portal.

    We have observed when we initiate to submit new request, service items does sort order does not come according to the visible name on the portal rather than it uses the Ident_AccProduct…

  • IT Shop Dependencies in the new web portal


    I'm trying to solve the same problem as "">www.oneidentity.com/.../dependencies-in-the-it-shop", but the new portal is giving me trouble and the flag is not resolving the issue. (Request configuration / Allow requests with missing…

  • [Angular Web Portal] - How to retrieve logged user's Central Account

    How can I retrieve logged user's Central Account?

    In session I can retrieve userId, isLoggedIn and Username parameter, but no one of these is identity Central Account.

    this.onSessionResponse = this.authentication.onSessionResponse.subscribe(async…

  • Hyperview in addressbook

    I was trying to extend the fields in addressbook when you select an Identity. I tried to copy the code, which is also used when a manager can see the hyperview of this team. But somehow it doesn show up. Is it even possible to show the hyperview in the…

  • setting up an Angular development environment locally on my laptop.

    I'm currently working with OI Manager v.9.0 LTS and I'm trying to set up an Angular development environment locally on my laptop. 
    I have a question regarding cross-site cookie transmission in this Angular development environment. To enable…
  • Session Expired error with new Angular Web Portal via Load Balancer

    Hello, we are experiencing some issues with the new Angular Web Portal. We are testing the load balancer configuration with sticky session based on the persistency of the cookie ss-pid. When we try to connect to the Web Portal (/ApiServer/html/qer-app…

  • Swagger-UI Message "Could not render ue, see the console"


    we are testing first queries for the API server with version 9.1.1.
    We were able to add our company logo to the new portal using the KB article.

    With the Swagger UI doc we want to create and test more queries - but in the Swagger UI we get the following…

  • Configuration and Permissions for new Angular based Web Portal (IT Shop)


    we are currently testing first steps towards the new Angular Web with version 9.1.1.
    Now there seems to be still 2 points where we have not yet read properly from the documentation how to do the respective configuration/settings.

    1) Where or how…

  • ApiServer behind load balancer


    I'm in the process of deploying the One Identity Manager Web Portal (Html5-based ApiServer) behind load a load balancer, and are struggling to get IIS Rewrite to function how I want.

    The load balancer (LB) is redirecting traffic from https://oneim…

  • HTML5 portal MsgBox from request property


    I have created a request property that checks if a user-entered group name (cn) is unique. If the entered value already exists, the user should get a dialog box explaining the error. I have the following code in the Validation script of the request…

  • Modifying a list of attributes for ADSAccount in web portal in OIM 9.1


    We have OIM 9.1 and are using the new angular based web portal. We wish to extend the list of attributes for ADSAccount that are shown in Data Explorer view in the web portal. We have extended the list of editable properties for ADSAccount (ie. ServerConfig…

  • Fetching data from database in web portal using new Angular based web portal

    Hi, we are having trouble understanding how data is retrieved from the database in frontend. We are struggling to find examples of actual api calling methods, instead what we find are variables like data, datasource, entitySchema etc. without any pointers…

  • Web Portal 9.1 - Sub identities

    New Angular web portal, One Identity version 9.1

    I created a main identity and then I created a sub-identity linked to the main one. Viewing the overview on the new portal, I read "Personalized administrator identity" in the Identity form, but it is not…

  • Web portal: Identities menu in Data Administrator

    How can we add more data fields in the Identities menu, found under Data Administrator/Data Explorer?

    When clicking on a user, we can view some info on the user in the Details tab. The default configuration shows only ‘Display name’, ‘Default email address…

  • Angular based Web Portal - Change colors


    Is there an easy way to change colors in the new Angular based Web portal (Identity Manager 9.1)? We have configured an ApiServer but in the Administration Portal I can only find the option to change company logo, not colors. Do we need to set up the…

  • How to call auto generated Composition API methods by HTML Client with/without search parameter


    it seems like compiling the Composition API and creating the HTML Client can be different based on the environment:

    1) local (dev) => Composition API methods created with HandleGetByQuery do not have a "search" parameter in the Client, hence you…

  • Recommended Angular version for HTML applications


    we are using OIM 8.1.2 at the moment which comes with Angular v6 for HTML5 application development. Is it possible to move to a newer version in terms of backwards compatibility (in regard to the OIM Angular Components/Plugins and the Client)?…

  • Multiple Redirect URI for an app in Cloud Access manager OpenID Connect/ oAuth 2.0 SettingsOpen


    We are trying to setup an app in CAM for authentication from an angular APP using OpenID Connect oAuth 2.0

    It works to receive access token and id_token. But we need additional functionality to refresh tokens(access, id_token) silently with no prompt…