Attestation Approval Workflow with AutoDecision

Hi All

We've the following use case while Role membership Attestation.

For example all members of an ESet has to be re-certified. The ESet itself can be ordered from within the Shop and the ESets have Risklevel set. Depends on the Risklevel, the approval has to be done by the Linemanager, Roleowner and Riskowner. Now for some ESet the Manager of a certain employee is also the Roleowner of the ordered ESet.

Autoapproval possible?

Now the Question is: Is it possible that the approval step for the Roleowner is automatically approved (reuse decision) if the Roleowner is the same Person as the Linemanager, which in first line already has approved?

I searched any possibility like the approval workflow for IT-Shop orders has implemented out-of-the-box. For IT-Shop orders I've config-parameters like \AutoDecision, \DecisionOnInsert or \ReuseDecision and on the workflow steps I've the possibility setting the Option IsNoAutoDecision. Such options I could not find on the Attestation-Module/ConfigParam workflows.

Is there any way to do this without making a more complex workflow having on each decision a CD step (if this is even possible) prefixed? Or is this a plan for a future release? (We're running the latest version v8.1.4)

Thanks for any advice.

Kind regards,

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