• Worflow order of a sync project


    We have an issue with the workflow order of a connector made with Starling.

    We have 2 workflows in this order: the first one for inserting identities and a second one for updating a boolean custom field.

    The problem is that during the first sync…

  • Attestation Approval Workflow with AutoDecision

    Hi All

    We've the following use case while Role membership Attestation.

    For example all members of an ESet has to be re-certified. The ESet itself can be ordered from within the Shop and the ESets have Risklevel set. Depends on the Risklevel, the approval…

  • Is it possible to add additional product into shopping cart as 1st approver

    Hello all,

    we got a requirement to enable the first approver of the "Request Access" workflow to not only accept or deny requested products (which works) but also to be able to add additional products in an created shopping cart.

    Maybe somebody…

  • Calculate number of approvers for custom decision step


    OneIM 8.1 

    IT Shop.

    I created custom decision step in custom workflow with custom approval procedure.

    Approval procedure can return some approvers. 

    I need that all approvers from the custom approval procedure will make decision.

    How can I calculate…

  • Recommendations please...

    Hi everyone,

    Looking for good tutorials / documentation on provisioning / approvals. Training is on the horizon, but I need something to get me through the short term.



  • Approval procedure for delegations

    (Ver 7.1.2)

    Hello again experts,


    Let me explain what we want to do and how have we tried to do so.

    So our aim is to create an approval workflow for delegations in which the person you are delegating to has to approve it (“accept” that delegation). Sounds…

  • IT-SHOP requested item is not processing.Still lying as "Request Status =Request" under Request details.

    we have request for an items in IT-SHOP.It has been pending for 4 days.The next level of approver  is Manger.In Manager tool under IT-SHOP ,i checked the pending  request and i could see this user .i checked the approval History,request details 'Request…

  • where can i see the pending approval for any requested IT-SHOP Items.

    where can i  see the pending approval for any requested IT-SHOP Items .Can i see this Manager tool or any other tool available to see where the current process is pending with..One user told us they have requested foe an item and cant get the AD group…

  • Approval/Attestation Escalation workflow, timeout isn't resetting if flow returns to the previously escalated step, so it immediately escalates again without waiting

    If I have an approval or attestation workflow in which an approval step has an escalation step in which it returns to an earlier workflow(like a calculated decision to re-check values), if the workflow times out and executes the escalation path, if it…

  • Integrating a Web Service call (script) in an approval workflow

    Hello community,


    I'm trying to create a custom approval workflow where there is a custom step with the approval procedure 'EX - Approvals to be made externally' and the event 'CREATEUSER'. After this, in Designer I created a process in the table PersonWantsOrg…

  • Can I start synchronization from a script?

    I have a business requirement to start a synchronization ad hoc, via a REST call.   I can start a script remotely, through REST, so I just need a script that will start my sync project workflow.

    I can't find a way to start a sync workflow directly, so I…

  • Quick Connect - SAP Custom Z Table mapping (7 key columns) - Mapping Error

    Hello all,

    I have a question regarding QC mapping to a custom Z table in SAP. Currently I am trying to "uniquely" map to 7 key fields, but am getting the following error:


    In this case, I am filtering to one specific location (e.g. MONTREAL…

  • ITShop - Approval workflow - Calculated group of approvers


    I try to use the "CP - Calculated group of approvers" procedure.

    First I try to select the manager of the "UID_PersonOrdered" person with the condition below:

    select *

    from Person

    where UID_Person in


              select UID_PersonHead

              from Pe…