Issue with unsubscribe request in IT Shop

Hi everyone,

we are having troubles with the unsubscribe request for an item assigned to an user that is not a subordinate.

We are using One Identity version 8.2, the user we are using to do the request from Web portal has the employee administrator application role and can make requests for any user. In fact, assignment and renew work well, we only have problems with the unsubscribe one. When we try to request one we are promped with the popup to send it, but once we do nothing happens unless we set the expire date. If we do not and click the second time we get this error:

An exception has occurred while running the form method Popup1_Popup1_ControlRef2_Container24_Button3_Method.Method Unsubscribe(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.DateTime, System.Threading.CancellationToken) has been deactivated and cannot be called.(2022-07-29 11:04:56)

Is there a way to fix this without inserting the expire date?

Thank you.

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