SAP User field Ltime <---> LASTLOGON not synchronized


I have a question about Synchronization progect for SAP R/3. Last Logon info is not imported automatically during the synchronization of all users. For some Users it is updated but not for everyone. If I trigger the read process for this SAP users the object is updated correctly and i can see the last logon info is updated according to SAP system. In some cases i can see users with a very old last login date but if i check on SAP via Browse function of sync editor the last logon is different and usually more recent. 

These users are mostrly orphaned accounts. Could this be the problem? But not all orphaned accounts have this problem. Some Orphaned SAP Users of type 'Communication' are always updated with their last login.  

Checking the logs of Sync editor, it seems that this users are ignored during the sync unless there is a more relevant info on target system to update, like the CahngedDateTime or the SAP company. 

What do you think the cause could be?

  • Hi Enrico,

    the reason is the SAP behavior to create no new change timestamp if a user has logged in. This is by design. OneIM is using the SAP change timestamp as revision counter. If this timestamp has not been changed the synchronization is not updating the SAP user in OneIM if you have set the option "use revision counter" at workflow configuration.

    One way to have the current login data in the database would be to start a synchronization from time to time only for the SAP users without using the revision feature.



  • Thank You for the answer Tino, 

    I will check this solution and simulate the sync of Users. 

    Do you suggest using a start up config (and workflow) only for Users due to perfomance issues? Could it be a problem removing the revision filter from the main Workflow I use to synchronize all the SAP objects?


  • Hi Enrico,

    I don't know how much SAP user your system has and I also don't know the customers requirement for up-to-dateness of "Lastlogin" data. So my proposal was another workflow using a special schedule for reading all users without revision conter - maybe to startup in an monthly interval. You are also able to use the default sync removing the revision counter for SAP user object class before start.



  • Customer requirement is to have it updated every day, or at least once per week in order to have the data avaiable on a subscribed report that contains also the last login information. I cannot find the revision counter entry or menù on the workflows editor. In Sunc Editor, if I go on a Workflow like Initial Synchronization > Workflows > Users > Edit > Rule filter i can see there's the possibility to chose the mappings to include or exclude from synchronization. But if a choose a mapping to include then, only the selected mapping is used and the specific selected field is synchronized. 

    Could you guide me on finding the area I should edit to remove the revision counter?

  • Customer requirement is to have it updated every day, or at least once per week in order to have the data avaiable on a subscribed report that contains also the last login information. I cannot find the revision counter entry or menù on the workflows editor. In Sunc Editor, if I go on a Workflow like Initial Synchronization > Workflows > Users > Edit > Rule filter i can see there's the possibility to chose the mappings to include or exclude from synchronization. But if a choose a mapping to include then, only the selected mapping is used and the specific selected field is synchronized. 

    Could you guide me on finding the area I should edit to remove the revision counter?
