• Extension for SAP HCM Connector

    Hello all,
    I need to be able to create new records within the SAP Tables: "PA0000", "PA0001", "PA0032", "PA0002", "PA0105", "PA0315". 

    Within the SAP Target has been created a special function…

  • SoD Matrix on SAP transactions

    Hi all,

    We are currently trying to configure the SoD matrix, but in our specific case we would like to configure this matrix based on SAP transactions instead of SAP roles. However, before importing the SAP transactions in One Identity Manager, we would…

  • Question regarding the table SAPRoleInSAPRole / Workflow step "roleInRole"


    We are still using version 8.1.5 of the One Identity Manager.

    We are currently testing the system behavior with a new SAP/HANA-based CUA in our test environment.
    We are able to test the communication so that our One Identity Manager communicatie…

  • SAP - Write permission denied for value "Role"


    we are testing a change of the SAP CUA to a new client. Thereby the following error still occurs in the log of the sync in the step "userinCUARole" with the new CUA:

    [810025] SAP user accounts: assignments to role: Write permission denied…

  • Getting "Enter an initial password" while disabling SAP initial password


    I am trying to deactivate the initial password for SAP User. I'm using 8.2 version of OneIM. 

    While trying to set vrtIncativePwd as 'True' the value is not getting selected from the dropdown (In synchronization editor) , and while I am trying…

  • SAP Connector Mapping Issue (HCM)

    Hello experts,

    i am also experiencing an isuue upon reading and mapping data from SAP HCM with SAP R/3 Connector.

    Some info about my DEV environment:

    • Identity Manager 8.2.1
    • Corresponding BAPI successfully imported to the SAP Client
    • SAP NCo installed o…
  • SAP Connector Custom Project Templates

    Hi Community, 

    I'm using One Identity manager 9.1 for a Customer and we have to connect multiple SAP Environments with different clients per Environment and CUA is not implemented, so every client is managed differently in the same SAP Environment. The…

  • SAP User field Ltime <---> LASTLOGON not synchronized


    I have a question about Synchronization progect for SAP R/3. Last Logon info is not imported automatically during the synchronization of all users. For some Users it is updated but not for everyone. If I trigger the read process for this SAP users…

  • BAPI interface installation at SAP application side to connect OneIM SAP R/3 connector

    Do we need to install 'SAPRole.zp' transport package as well along with 'SAPRepository.zip','SAPTable.zip' and 'SAPTRANSPORT_70.ZIP' to set up BAPI integration at SAP application side?

    What should be correct sequence if…


    Мы используем V8.2 для подключения к SAP R/3. При тестировании соединителя мы получили эту ошибку
    [SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcAbapException] OPTION_NOT_VALID

    Компоненты .NET SAP установлены.

  • Questions about messages from the SAP Synchronization Log


    we are still using version 8.0.5

    During a review of the logs of the synchronization with SAP R/3 we noticed strange messages

    #1 SAPTitle
    we have no influence on the Titles in SAP and can't make sense of this message yet

    [810391] Error flushing…

  • SAP R/3 authorization objects synch error 'End mark RFCID.TableCompr'

    Am getting below error while synching SAP authorization objects.

    "[1777124] Error executing projection step (objectHasField) of projection configuration (Initial Synchronization (Initial Synchronization)).
    [1777219] Error executing synchronization…