Error during upgrade from 8.1.5 -> 9.0 LTS

Received the below error while upgrading one of my lower environment from 8.1.5 to 9.0 LTS.. I am getting this error just before the System Update step.

ERROR - Crash report

Error compiling script (0,25): Keyword is not valid as an identifier.
at ConfigWizard.Pages.PageMigration.btnAuthenticate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at VI.CommonDialogs.AuthenticationDropDownControl.Authenticate()
at VI.CommonDialogs.AuthenticationDropDownControl.AuthenticateWithAuthProps()
at VI.CommonDialogs.AuthenticationBaseControl.Authenticate(IAuthProps authProps)
at VI.DB.Implementation.Connection.Authenticate(IAuthProps props)
at VI.DB.Sync.SyncSessionFactoryExtensions.Open(ISessionFactory factory, IDbSession dbSession, IAuthProps authenticationData)
at VI.Base.SyncActions.Do[T,T1,T2,T3](T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3, Func`4 function)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<OpenAsync>d__13.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<_OpenAsync>d__17.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl._CheckSession(ISession session)
at VI.DB.Services.Resolve[T]()
at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl.Resolve[T]()
at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._InternalResolve[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, String name, T& ret)
at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._InternalResolve[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, String name, T& ret)
at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._GetOrCreate[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, ComponentRegistration registration)
at VI.Base.IoC.ContainerBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass5_0`1.<Register>b__0(IComponentContext ctx)
at VI.DB.BootStrapper.<>c.<RegisterCommon>b__1_12(IComponentContext ctx)
at VI.DB.Scripting.ScriptEnvironment..ctor(IDialogSemaphorSupervisor semaphors, IScriptSupplier supplier)
at VI.Base.SyncActions.Do[T,T1,T2](T1 p1, T2 p2, Func`3 function)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<GetProvidersAsync>d__12.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<CreateCompilingAssemblyProviderAsync>d__14.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<_GetScriptClass>d__15.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<<_GetScriptClass>b__0>d.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Scripting.DynamicAssemblyProviderBase.<GetScriptAssemblyAsync>d__7.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.CompilingAssemblyProvider.<CreateScriptAssemblyAsync>d__14.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<>c__DisplayClass14_1.<<CreateCompilingAssemblyProviderAsync>b__4>d.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<<CreateCompilingAssemblyProviderAsync>g__AsmPath|5>d.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Scripting.DynamicAssemblyProviderBase.<GetScriptAssemblyAsync>d__7.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at VI.DB.Compile.CompilingMultiClassesAssemblyProvider.<CreateScriptAssemblyAsync>d__12.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Compile.ScriptAssemblyCompiler.CompileAssembly(String[] preprocessorDefines)
at VI.DB.Compile.ScriptAssemblyCompiler.CompileSource(IScriptAssembly assembly, String source, String[] preprocessorDefines)

Crash report:

2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor FEATURE was set to value 1577
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor COUNTRY was set to value 22
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor AEDSGROUP was set to value 11
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor USERDATARESIDENT was set to value 12166
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor DATABASE was set to value 41
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor RIGHT was set to value 1825
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor LIMITEDSQL was set to value 22
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor PASSWORDPOLICY was set to value 38
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor BULKDEPENDENCIES was set to value 23
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor MODULEDEPEND was set to value 22
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor Configuration was set to value 168
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor DIALOG was set to value 1619
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor NOTIFICATION was set to value 1267
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor DASHBOARDCONTENT was set to value 45406
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor Captions was set to value 53
2022-09-26 15:08:52 ObjectLog Semaphor ORGROOTASSIGN was set to value 20
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (45 ms) - select c.UID_DialogColumn as UID_DialogColumnSource, tr.UID_DialogColumnTarget, ct.LimitedValues, ct.MultiLanguageFlag
from QBMColumnTranslation tr with (nolock)
join DialogColumn c with (nolock)
on tr.ObjectKeyDialogColumnSource = c.XObjectKey
join DialogColumn ct with (nolock)
on tr.UID_DialogColumnTarget = ct.UID_DialogColumn

union all

select null as UID_DialogColumnSource, c.UID_DialogColumn as UID_DialogColumnTarget, c.LimitedValues, c.MultiLanguageFlag
from DialogColumn c with (nolock)
where c.MultiLanguageFlag & 1 = 1
and not exists (
select 1 from QBMColumnTranslation t with (nolock)
where t.UID_DialogColumnTarget = c.UID_DialogColumn
2022-09-26 15:08:53 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguageColumnDeps/global from cache. done in 114ms.
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (25 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where ChangeContext > ' '
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (35 ms) - select distinct c.uid_configparm, c.uid_parentconfigparm, c.fullpath, c.value, o.preprocessorstring
from DialogConfigParm c with (nolock)
left outer join DialogConfigParmOption o with (nolock)
on c.UID_ConfigParm = o.UID_ConfigParm
and c.Value = o.OptionValue
where c.enabled = 1
order by fullpath
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (29 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where ChangeContext > ' '
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (48 ms) - select
c.UID_DialogCulture, c.Ident_DialogCulture,
p.UID_DialogCulture, p.Ident_DialogCulture,
d.UID_DialogCulture, d.Ident_DialogCulture,
ds.UID_DialogCulture, ds.Ident_DialogCulture
from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
left outer join QBMCulture p with (nolock)
on c.UID_DialogCultureParent = p.UID_DialogCulture
left outer join QBMCulture d with (nolock)
on p.UID_DialogCultureDefault = d.UID_DialogCulture
left outer join QBMCulture ds with (nolock)
on c.UID_DialogCultureDefault = ds.UID_DialogCulture
where c.Ident_DialogCulture = 'en-US'

union all

c.UID_DialogCulture, c.Ident_DialogCulture,
p.UID_DialogCulture, p.Ident_DialogCulture,
d.UID_DialogCulture, d.Ident_DialogCulture,
ds.UID_DialogCulture, ds.Ident_DialogCulture
from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
join DialogDatabase db with (nolock)
on db.UID_DialogCultureDefault = c.UID_DialogCulture
and db.IsMainDatabase = 1
left outer join QBMCulture p with (nolock)
on c.UID_DialogCultureParent = p.UID_DialogCulture
left outer join QBMCulture d with (nolock)
on p.UID_DialogCultureDefault = d.UID_DialogCulture
left outer join QBMCulture ds with (nolock)
on c.UID_DialogCultureDefault = ds.UID_DialogCulture
2022-09-26 15:08:53 StopWatch Getting CultureChain/en-US from cache. done in 58ms.
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (28 ms) - select ml.entrykey, ml.entryvalue
from DialogMultiLanguage ml with (nolock)
join QBMCulture c with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogCulture = ml.UID_DialogCulture
where (ml.uid_dialogcolumn = 'QBM-D0A474E06FE2420D99D375DE94EB5CB3') and (c.ident_dialogculture = 'en-US')
2022-09-26 15:08:53 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-D0A474E06FE2420D99D375DE94EB5CB3,en-US from cache. done in 34ms.
2022-09-26 15:08:53 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguageColumnDeps/global from cache. done in 0ms.
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (100 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.UID_DialogAuthentifier in ( select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogDatabase where IsMainDatabase = 1)
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (35 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'DialogUser'
2022-09-26 15:08:53 SqlLog (27 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.UID_DialogAuthentifier in ( select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogDatabase where IsMainDatabase = 1)
2022-09-26 15:10:35 SqlLog (23 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'RoleBasedADSAccount'
2022-09-26 15:10:35 SqlLog (22 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.UID_DialogAuthentifier in ( select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogDatabase where IsMainDatabase = 1)
2022-09-26 15:10:38 ObjectLog Opening session
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (23 ms) - select GetUTCDate()
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (23 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'RoleBasedADSAccount'
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (47 ms) - select UID_Person, Internalname from Person where (UID_Person IN (SELECT UID_Person FROM ADSAccount WHERE (ObjectSID = N'S-1-5-21-4275767515-3975612330-2093404621-1106'))) and ((IsInActive = 0) and (xmarkedfordeletion & 3 = 0) and (IsTemporaryDeactivated = 0) and (IsSecurityIncident = 0))
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog Opening database session in mode ReadWrite
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (27 ms) - select UID_AERole, UID_ParentAERole, UID_DialogGroup from AERole
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (29 ms) - select UID_AERole from PersonInAERole where UID_Person = 'd40b4630-b8cd-45d2-b01c-2f64f7c46ee9'
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (22 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (148 ms) -
declare @user varchar(38)
declare @GroupUids varchar(max)
declare @UID_QBMProduct varchar(38)
select @GroupUids = '|CCC-EE218141A1543C48BD1473140990AA68|QER-F14B14E24532487E9BBC6002B4D70A60|CCC-8B780992D25FEE4FBE47A9E5F672137D|CCC-1A90FB1FC0129145A037DF06353B6464|CCC-9305882E31BB2643B1A7B3A4A8833A11|CCC-637A5F47FCFFB8468D2351EFC8D2EA13|CCC-E251EA596693704D8B1C07AEDBB59370|CCC-D61A9E9B9BA61B4D9A10F19AC333BA59|AAD-123A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|ADS-0A9A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|CAP-ca2de655896c4fceb6d839eaacdf3c02|CSM-5E3DD97D175BFD488C34712EBD10B716|CCC-029E55E3F40801449AD2C8770882EC22|O3E-FE29CDB2D6FE9E468D77D6A72E653131|QER-6AB5A4DB041C43A698E2AB231BD56D30|QER-94B8B03F57534F229B080797A105B60C|QER-f5062aca213d483a87cc0b4d0ec3cae6|QER-1F55437E0DF14C4BA3EF5D89747F985E|QER-B219476A1A6542FA801B8C17D8A73164|'
select @UID_QBMProduct = (select top 1 UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where isnull(Ident_Product, N'') = N'')
exec QBM_PUserDetectByGroupList @GroupUids, @user output, @UID_QBMProduct
select @user
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (24 ms) - COMMIT TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (196 ms) - Physical Transaction
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (196 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog Closing database session.
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (24 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A'
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (24 ms) - select max( AccessLevel ) from
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0) * 9 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('dbcreator'), 0) * 8 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'), 0) * 7 as AccessLevel
union all
select isNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMConfigRoleDB'), 0) * 5 as AccessLevel
union all
select IsNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMUserRoleDB'), 0) * 3 as AccessLevel
) as AccessLevels
2022-09-26 15:10:39 ObjectLog User Ranjan Mishra (Dialog user: CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A, X fields: LINDEDEV\in08f1) authenticated.
2022-09-26 15:10:39 ObjectLog Initializing database session.
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (25 ms) - select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'
2022-09-26 15:10:39 ObjectLog Session initialized.
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (24 ms) - select 1 where exists (select 1 from DialogScriptAssembly where (Name like N'WebServices_3vYPvIuxuMvYDahuOgwjDY5qXDmsJuz%'))
2022-09-26 15:10:39 ObjectLog Compiling ProductScripts_3vYPvIuxuMvYDahuOgwjDY5qXDmsJuz...
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (24 ms) - select shf.UID_DialogScript, f.Ident_DialogFeature
from QBMScriptHasFeature shf with (nolock)
join QBMFeature f with (nolock) on f.UID_DialogFeature = shf.UID_DialogFeature
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (25 ms) - select c.uid_dialogculture, c.ident_dialogculture from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
join Dialogdatabase db with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogCulture = db.UID_DialogCultureDefault
where db.IsMainDatabase = 1
2022-09-26 15:10:39 StopWatch Getting DefaultCulture/global from cache. done in 52ms.
2022-09-26 15:10:39 SqlLog (27 ms) - select UID_DialogScript, Scriptname, Scriptcode from DialogScript with (nolock) where (IsLocked <> 1) and (not UID_DialogScript like 'CCC-%')
2022-09-26 15:10:40 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_DialogWebservice, ProxyCode from DialogWebService with (nolock) where IsLocked = 0
2022-09-26 15:10:42 SqlLog (29 ms) - select t.tablename, c.columnname, c.DataType, c.CustomComment, c.Commentary
from DialogTable t
join DialogColumn c on t.UID_DialogTable = c.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
and c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:10:42 SqlLog (61 ms) - select ct.TableName, cc.ColumnName, pt.TableName
from QBMRelation r
join DialogColumn cc on r.UID_ChildColumn = cc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable ct on cc.UID_DialogTable = ct.UID_DialogTable
join DialogColumn pc on r.UID_ParentColumn = pc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable pt on pc.UID_DialogTable = pt.UID_DialogTable
where isnull(pt.TableType, N'') <> N'B'
and cc.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:10:42 SqlLog (27 ms) - select t.TableName, e.EventName from QBMEvent e
join DialogTable t on e.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:10:43 SqlLog (26 ms) - select UID_ConfigParm, UID_ParentConfigparm, ConfigParm, FullPath from DialogConfigParm
2022-09-26 15:10:50 ObjectLog Closing session
2022-09-26 15:10:50 ObjectLog Opening session done in 11.35s.
2022-09-26 15:10:50 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr Error compiling script (0,25): Keyword is not valid as an identifier.
2022-09-26 15:12:03 ObjectLog Opening session
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select GetUTCDate()
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'RoleBasedADSAccount'
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_Person, Internalname from Person where (UID_Person IN (SELECT UID_Person FROM ADSAccount WHERE (ObjectSID = N'S-1-5-21-4275767515-3975612330-2093404621-1106'))) and ((IsInActive = 0) and (xmarkedfordeletion & 3 = 0) and (IsTemporaryDeactivated = 0) and (IsSecurityIncident = 0))
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog Opening database session in mode ReadWrite
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_AERole, UID_ParentAERole, UID_DialogGroup from AERole
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_AERole from PersonInAERole where UID_Person = 'd40b4630-b8cd-45d2-b01c-2f64f7c46ee9'
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (22 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (30 ms) -
declare @user varchar(38)
declare @GroupUids varchar(max)
declare @UID_QBMProduct varchar(38)
select @GroupUids = '|CCC-EE218141A1543C48BD1473140990AA68|QER-F14B14E24532487E9BBC6002B4D70A60|CCC-8B780992D25FEE4FBE47A9E5F672137D|CCC-1A90FB1FC0129145A037DF06353B6464|CCC-9305882E31BB2643B1A7B3A4A8833A11|CCC-637A5F47FCFFB8468D2351EFC8D2EA13|CCC-E251EA596693704D8B1C07AEDBB59370|CCC-D61A9E9B9BA61B4D9A10F19AC333BA59|AAD-123A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|ADS-0A9A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|CAP-ca2de655896c4fceb6d839eaacdf3c02|CSM-5E3DD97D175BFD488C34712EBD10B716|CCC-029E55E3F40801449AD2C8770882EC22|O3E-FE29CDB2D6FE9E468D77D6A72E653131|QER-6AB5A4DB041C43A698E2AB231BD56D30|QER-94B8B03F57534F229B080797A105B60C|QER-f5062aca213d483a87cc0b4d0ec3cae6|QER-1F55437E0DF14C4BA3EF5D89747F985E|QER-B219476A1A6542FA801B8C17D8A73164|'
select @UID_QBMProduct = (select top 1 UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where isnull(Ident_Product, N'') = N'')
exec QBM_PUserDetectByGroupList @GroupUids, @user output, @UID_QBMProduct
select @user
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (25 ms) - COMMIT TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (79 ms) - Physical Transaction
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (79 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog Closing database session.
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (22 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A'
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (24 ms) - select max( AccessLevel ) from
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0) * 9 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('dbcreator'), 0) * 8 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'), 0) * 7 as AccessLevel
union all
select isNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMConfigRoleDB'), 0) * 5 as AccessLevel
union all
select IsNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMUserRoleDB'), 0) * 3 as AccessLevel
) as AccessLevels
2022-09-26 15:12:03 ObjectLog User Ranjan Mishra (Dialog user: CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A, X fields: LINDEDEV\in08f1) authenticated.
2022-09-26 15:12:03 ObjectLog Initializing database session.
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (24 ms) - select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'
2022-09-26 15:12:03 ObjectLog Session initialized.
2022-09-26 15:12:03 ObjectLog Compiling ProductScripts_3vYPvIuxuMvYDahuOgwjDY5qXDmsJuz...
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select shf.UID_DialogScript, f.Ident_DialogFeature
from QBMScriptHasFeature shf with (nolock)
join QBMFeature f with (nolock) on f.UID_DialogFeature = shf.UID_DialogFeature
2022-09-26 15:12:03 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_DialogScript, Scriptname, Scriptcode from DialogScript with (nolock) where (IsLocked <> 1) and (not UID_DialogScript like 'CCC-%')
2022-09-26 15:12:04 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_DialogWebservice, ProxyCode from DialogWebService with (nolock) where IsLocked = 0
2022-09-26 15:12:04 SqlLog (25 ms) - select t.tablename, c.columnname, c.DataType, c.CustomComment, c.Commentary
from DialogTable t
join DialogColumn c on t.UID_DialogTable = c.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
and c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:12:04 SqlLog (45 ms) - select ct.TableName, cc.ColumnName, pt.TableName
from QBMRelation r
join DialogColumn cc on r.UID_ChildColumn = cc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable ct on cc.UID_DialogTable = ct.UID_DialogTable
join DialogColumn pc on r.UID_ParentColumn = pc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable pt on pc.UID_DialogTable = pt.UID_DialogTable
where isnull(pt.TableType, N'') <> N'B'
and cc.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:12:04 SqlLog (23 ms) - select t.TableName, e.EventName from QBMEvent e
join DialogTable t on e.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:12:04 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_ConfigParm, UID_ParentConfigparm, ConfigParm, FullPath from DialogConfigParm
2022-09-26 15:12:11 ObjectLog Closing session
2022-09-26 15:12:11 ObjectLog Opening session done in 8.45s.
2022-09-26 15:12:11 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr Error compiling script (0,25): Keyword is not valid as an identifier.
2022-09-26 15:16:18 ObjectLog Opening session
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where ChangeContext > ' '
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select GetUTCDate()
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'RoleBasedADSAccount'
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_Person, Internalname from Person where (UID_Person IN (SELECT UID_Person FROM ADSAccount WHERE (ObjectSID = N'S-1-5-21-4275767515-3975612330-2093404621-1106'))) and ((IsInActive = 0) and (xmarkedfordeletion & 3 = 0) and (IsTemporaryDeactivated = 0) and (IsSecurityIncident = 0))
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog Opening database session in mode ReadWrite
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_AERole, UID_ParentAERole, UID_DialogGroup from AERole
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_AERole from PersonInAERole where UID_Person = 'd40b4630-b8cd-45d2-b01c-2f64f7c46ee9'
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (22 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (30 ms) -
declare @user varchar(38)
declare @GroupUids varchar(max)
declare @UID_QBMProduct varchar(38)
select @GroupUids = '|CCC-EE218141A1543C48BD1473140990AA68|QER-F14B14E24532487E9BBC6002B4D70A60|CCC-8B780992D25FEE4FBE47A9E5F672137D|CCC-1A90FB1FC0129145A037DF06353B6464|CCC-9305882E31BB2643B1A7B3A4A8833A11|CCC-637A5F47FCFFB8468D2351EFC8D2EA13|CCC-E251EA596693704D8B1C07AEDBB59370|CCC-D61A9E9B9BA61B4D9A10F19AC333BA59|AAD-123A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|ADS-0A9A9571FFBB45018A8BF6851340E8DE|CAP-ca2de655896c4fceb6d839eaacdf3c02|CSM-5E3DD97D175BFD488C34712EBD10B716|CCC-029E55E3F40801449AD2C8770882EC22|O3E-FE29CDB2D6FE9E468D77D6A72E653131|QER-6AB5A4DB041C43A698E2AB231BD56D30|QER-94B8B03F57534F229B080797A105B60C|QER-f5062aca213d483a87cc0b4d0ec3cae6|QER-1F55437E0DF14C4BA3EF5D89747F985E|QER-B219476A1A6542FA801B8C17D8A73164|'
select @UID_QBMProduct = (select top 1 UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where isnull(Ident_Product, N'') = N'')
exec QBM_PUserDetectByGroupList @GroupUids, @user output, @UID_QBMProduct
select @user
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (24 ms) - COMMIT TRANSACTION
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (78 ms) - Physical Transaction
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (78 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog Closing database session.
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A'
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select max( AccessLevel ) from
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0) * 9 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('dbcreator'), 0) * 8 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'), 0) * 7 as AccessLevel
union all
select isNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMConfigRoleDB'), 0) * 5 as AccessLevel
union all
select IsNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMUserRoleDB'), 0) * 3 as AccessLevel
) as AccessLevels
2022-09-26 15:16:19 ObjectLog User Ranjan Mishra (Dialog user: CCC-1F6B788D5CF44D3AB57A05F7A765685A, X fields: LINDEDEV\in08f1) authenticated.
2022-09-26 15:16:19 ObjectLog Initializing database session.
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'
2022-09-26 15:16:19 ObjectLog Session initialized.
2022-09-26 15:16:19 ObjectLog Compiling ProductScripts_3vYPvIuxuMvYDahuOgwjDY5qXDmsJuz...
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select shf.UID_DialogScript, f.Ident_DialogFeature
from QBMScriptHasFeature shf with (nolock)
join QBMFeature f with (nolock) on f.UID_DialogFeature = shf.UID_DialogFeature
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_DialogScript, Scriptname, Scriptcode from DialogScript with (nolock) where (IsLocked <> 1) and (not UID_DialogScript like 'CCC-%')
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_DialogWebservice, ProxyCode from DialogWebService with (nolock) where IsLocked = 0
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (25 ms) - select t.tablename, c.columnname, c.DataType, c.CustomComment, c.Commentary
from DialogTable t
join DialogColumn c on t.UID_DialogTable = c.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
and c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (45 ms) - select ct.TableName, cc.ColumnName, pt.TableName
from QBMRelation r
join DialogColumn cc on r.UID_ChildColumn = cc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable ct on cc.UID_DialogTable = ct.UID_DialogTable
join DialogColumn pc on r.UID_ParentColumn = pc.UID_DialogColumn
join DialogTable pt on pc.UID_DialogTable = pt.UID_DialogTable
where isnull(pt.TableType, N'') <> N'B'
and cc.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:16:19 SqlLog (23 ms) - select t.TableName, e.EventName from QBMEvent e
join DialogTable t on e.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_DialogTable
where t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0
2022-09-26 15:16:20 SqlLog (23 ms) - select UID_ConfigParm, UID_ParentConfigparm, ConfigParm, FullPath from DialogConfigParm
2022-09-26 15:16:26 ObjectLog Closing session
2022-09-26 15:16:26 ObjectLog Opening session done in 7.83s.
2022-09-26 15:16:26 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr Error compiling script (0,25): Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

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