SAP Connector Mapping Issue (HCM)

Hello experts,

i am also experiencing an isuue upon reading and mapping data from SAP HCM with SAP R/3 Connector.

Some info about my DEV environment:

  • Identity Manager 8.2.1
  • Corresponding BAPI successfully imported to the SAP Client
  • SAP NCo installed on both sides (1IM and Target System) - Version 3.0.25
  • Sync project cofigured according to the docs, with template for SAP HCM

The connection to the target system works, but most of the attributes cannot be reached (e.g. Last name) and therefore person object are not created. Strangely enough, values of data type Date (e.g. HR_LEAVING_DATE) or references to organizational structure (e.g. ORGEH) are correctly displayed in the Target System Browser and upon executing the synchronization.

Altough the mapping looks like this: The error that is displayed in the sync log looks like this: [810077] Person: The following fields are compulsory and need to be filled: Last name.

Though, in the mapping looks just fine (LASTNAME (HREmployeeActive) => Last name (1IM)).

I would appreciate any help or suggestions.

Best regards


  • Hi Toni,

    have you recently updated the SAP .NET Connector Middleware (NCo) on the machine running the sync to patch 3.0.25 from an older version?



  • Hi Tino,

    thanks for you response.

    In fact, it's a fairly new system and it didn't had any NCo previously. I installed the newest version on a nearly blank machine (only One Identity Manager and some common tools were installed at that point of time).

    Any other suggestions maybe?

    Thanks for your time


  • Hi Toni,

    so I guess your SAP account used in connection string has not enough access rights to execute functions having to do with HR module function calls (i.e. BAPI_PERSDATA_GETDETAIL ). Please have a look the the One IM product documentation or use the prepared SAP role delivered with the transports.



  • Hi Tino, thanks for the Hint!

    I was using the SAP Role privided by 1IM, but it was missing some authorization objects and access to tables. I was able to detect them with tracing the syncronization on the SAP Client. Then I extended the SYNC role and voila - it worked!



  • Hi Toni,

    do you remember which specific authorizations are missing on the role? It seems that the issue is still present in version 9.1.1.


  • Hi Enrico,

    i am not sure what was missing exactly, but here is how the SYNC Role looks now:

    • AAAB
      • S_RFC
      • S_TCODE
    • BC_A
      • S_TABU_DIS
      • S_TABU_NAM
      • S_USER_AGR
      • S_USER_AUT
      • S_USER_GRP
      • S_USER_PRO
      • S_USER_SAS
      • S_USER_UID
    • BC_C
      • S_DEVELOP
    • BC_Z
      • S_ADDRESS1
    • HR
      • P_ORGIN
    • ZVIA
      • ZVIA_AUT
      • ZVIA_OP
    • ZVIH
      • ZVIH_AUT
      • ZVIH_OP
    • ZVIL
      • ZVIL_AUT
      • ZVIL_OP
      • ZVIL_TABLE

    Hope it helps.


  • Really thank you, Toni!

    It will be really useful!


  • Hi Enrico,

    due to an security update of our /VIAENET - BAPI we introduced new authentication objects ZVIA_OP, ZVIH_OP, ZVIL_OP  and ZVIL_TABLE in the past. If you have an older version of role /VIAENET/SYNC you should add this new objects to the role to have access to all functions of our BAPI.



  • Hi Tino, 

    we used the transport files contained in the folder SAP\dvd\AddOn of the 9.1.1 installer. Is there a new version of the BAPI transport?

    Our role has the same authorizations Can you send a screen of the detail for the ZVIH and ZVIL authorizations?


  • Sure, attached.

    What is the the issue you are looking a solution for?



  • The issue is the same described by Toni. We are using the SAP HCM Employee template but when we browse some resources like the HREmployee_Active or the Active_PA0000 resource, fields are empty except for the HR_Leaving_DATE or ORGEH ones that are correctly displayed. If we try with a user provided with the SAP_ALL Profile we can see all the fileds correctly populated, so we think the issue is related to missing authorizations for the /VIAENET/SYNC Role. We receive no error when we try to browse the resources but almost all the fileds have no value displayed, strings are empty, integers are 0 and dates are 30/12/1899. 

    We are trying to figure out which authorization objects are missing.


  • Hi Enrico,

    you should notice the section "Authorizations for synchronizing with an SAP HCM system" at "Administration Guide for SAP R/3
    Structural Profiles Add-on".

    Authorizations for synchronizing with an SAP HCM system

    You require the following authorizations for accessing the target system in order to
    synchronize One Identity Manager with an SAP HCM system.
    * Structural profile "ALL" (assigned in the T77UA table)
    * Authorization object S_RFC (authorization check on RFC access) with activity 16, at least for the PERS, PADR, RH65, RPAI function groups.



  • Hi Enrico,

    you should notice the section "Authorizations for synchronizing with an SAP HCM system" at "Administration Guide for SAP R/3
    Structural Profiles Add-on".

    Authorizations for synchronizing with an SAP HCM system

    You require the following authorizations for accessing the target system in order to
    synchronize One Identity Manager with an SAP HCM system.
    * Structural profile "ALL" (assigned in the T77UA table)
    * Authorization object S_RFC (authorization check on RFC access) with activity 16, at least for the PERS, PADR, RH65, RPAI function groups.


