Getting "Enter an initial password" while disabling SAP initial password


I am trying to deactivate the initial password for SAP User. I'm using 8.2 version of OneIM. 

While trying to set vrtIncativePwd as 'True' the value is not getting selected from the dropdown (In synchronization editor) , and while I am trying to save CODVN as 'X' (suggested by client), I am getting the error 'Enter an initial password'

I am getting below error message in the crash report while clicking on save:

SystemConnector Type: E, SAP message: Enter an initial password
2023-04-03 12:05:21 SystemConnector Target:"SAP" Method:"_ChangeUser" Number:"2154139" Message:"Error: Enter an initial password"
2023-04-03 12:05:21 SystemConnector Target:"SAP" Method:"SetObject" Number:"2154139" Message:"Error: Enter an initial password"
2023-04-03 12:05:21 SystemConnector Enter an initial password

Can anyone please suggest if I am missing anything here?



  • Hi Simran,

    as you can see in schema the virtual property "vrtInactivePwd" is write only. So in target system browser you are allowed to set it, it will not be displayed only. If you select the value  "True" and  save the object it will be written to the object.



  • Hi Tino,

    Actually I am trying to set this value while creating the new user, but even on setting it's value as true in schema, the value is always being sent as False/0. 

    As a workaround, client has suggested to set the attribute 'CODVN' as 'X', so while saving the value for this attribute, I am getting the error "SystemConnector Type: E, SAP message: Enter an initial password  '

  • Hi Tino,

    Actually I am trying to set this value while creating the new user, but even on setting it's value as true in schema, the value is always being sent as False/0. 

    As a workaround, client has suggested to set the attribute 'CODVN' as 'X', so while saving the value for this attribute, I am getting the error "SystemConnector Type: E, SAP message: Enter an initial password  '

  • Hi Simran,

    setting the value of $BAPILOGOND_CODVN$ := "X" should be the resulting action processed in SAP in case you set the virtual property "vrtInactivePwd" to value true. Please have a look at your synchronization project and check the "user" mapping. The coding of property "vrtInactivePwd" on the right hand side (i.e. "USER") should be exactly this (write script):

    If CBool(value) Then
        $BAPILOGOND_CODVN$ := "X"
    end if

    If not you should check whether there are patches available for your sync project.

