How to develop Custom Composition API

I'm just started with  Custom Composition API development.

With the  Custom Composition API development I'm running into a problem.

if I execute my custom API-Code (which derives from IApiProviderFor<PortalApiProject>)  the "imxClient.exe run-apiserver -B"  builds per default a webserver with the http-protocoll:8182.

I figured out, that if I run my API-Server with the http-protocoll then my localhost-angular-development-code (-> localhost:4200)  runs into several issues like CORS problems and problems storing cookies and so on.

So best case would be if I can excecute Custom Composition API development with the https-protocoll.

Unfortunatly this gives me some headache.

If run the ImxClient.exe with the parameters "run-apiserver -B /baseaddress https://localhost:8184" (you see I'm tring to use the https-protocoll) then the api-server is not working.

Another attempt was to copy the output-build to an existing Web-Api-Dev-Server like Herwig Abele shows us in his angular youtube-tutorial.
In his tutorial it seems to be that he is using one productive Api-Server and one development Api-Server. But then I'm running into the issue that I cannot really debug comfortably  my API-Server and I have to import the dll-file into OneIdentity with the SoftwareLoader each time the build changes, which is not really practial.

So the question is: What is good concept to do Custom Composition API development with OneIdentiy?

I really would be happy to get your answers.


  • For your Angular development server running on localhost:4200, it might be easier to set up a local development server using HTTPS as well. Many development tools, including those for Angular, allow you to configure HTTPS for local development. 

    For Angular CLI, you can use the --ssl option to enable HTTPS:

    ng serve --ssl

    Ensure that your Custom Composition API supports HTTPS. In your API code, you might need to configure the server to use an SSL certificate. Make sure that the certificate is valid for localhost or update it accordingly.