• System roles - Main data fields


    I have the problem that I can't add new fields to the main data of "System Roles". Normally it's possible through the API Configuration:

    I go under QER > Property Editor / Propertys that can be edited / System Roles and want…

  • Angular/API server: New User creation and limited fields

    We are working to implement a new user form in the angular portal. We are targeting the endpoint /portal/admin/person to do the insert. 

    However, this endpoint appears to be limited on what columns can be written and in this environment one of the required…

  • Calling API Script results in HTTP 200 with custom success message, but no new object is created

    Hi there,

    we have a problem while calling a script via rest api.

    Following is configured:

    - a new api systemuser ist created

    - the api systemuser is assigned to a permissions group

    - the permissions group...

    ...has view and insert rights on ADSGroup

  • Issue with One Identity API: Unable to make pwo/order call with a "/" in the name

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently facing an issue with the One Identity API where I'm unable to successfully make a pwo/order API call when the name contains a slash (/). I've tried encoding the slash as %2F and even attempted double encoding it as %252F…

  • Issue with One Identity API: Unable to make pwo/order call with a "/" in the name

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently facing an issue with the One Identity API where I'm unable to successfully make a pwo/order API call when the name contains a slash (/). I've tried encoding the slash as %2F and even attempted double encoding it as %252F…

  • UID_FirmPartner filter in Portal API Person

    Is it possible to filter for the field UID_FirmPartner in API call /portal/admin/person (or similar) ?

    I want to retrieve all person with the same FirmPartner in web portal

    Thanks in advance,


  • How Can I Remove Service Category Column in Angular Web Portal

    Hello everyone,

    While our customer was requesting a product, they expressed a preference not to see the service category column. How can I remove the service category column?

    Best Regards,

  • Delete Org membership API doesn't work

    I'm trying to call the DELETE API on the endpoint /ApiServer/portal/roles/config/membership/Org/{UID_Org}/{UID_Person} and I receive a 200 OK response with the membership details, but the membership is not removed. Is it an API problem? Has anyone encountered…

  • Not able to Authenticate using Access token(in authentication header) for authentication to API server

    With the implementation of the API server, we want to expose our One Identity Manager capabilities via API's within our organization. In our test setup we successfully managed to authenticate to the authentication API using the oauthrolebased api, and…

  • Not able to Authenticate using Access token(in authentication header) for authentication to API server

    With the implementation of the API server, we want to expose our One Identity Manager capabilities via API's within our organization. In our test setup we successfully managed to authenticate to the authentication API using the oauthrolebased api, and…

  • Updating a person in a deferred fashion


    I am using Open Identity Manager 9.2 and would like to ask you how should I proceed with the use case where I need to create a deferred object instead of updating a Person on a Web Portal (PUT /portal/person/reports/interactive) report when updating…

  • Connecting Azure Service Principal with OpenID with API Server not AppServer

    I am currently working on integrating my Azure App with an external API Server using OAuth and have successfully established a user-based connection to the web portal. However, my objective now is to enable service-to-service communication, allowing the…

  • Cookie Domain Mismatch Error after api call


    I am reaching out regarding an issue I am currently facing while testing the One Identity server on my virtual machine.
    To facilitate testing and point to my virtual machine from my PC, I am using the ngrok application. While utilizing a sample…

  • API Server cannot establish connection to the database

    Hi experts,

    since few days I am experiencing issues with the API Server. It is apparently not able to establish connection to the database. It had previously worked seamlessly since the installation (about 1 year ago) and there were no intenational changes…

  • Changing Web Portal Based on Angular


    We are trying to change some features (company logo, color etc.) on Web Portal. When we opened web portal from local, we can see changing on Web Portal whatever when we opened web portal through Client URL, we couldn't see any changing on web portal…

  • We can not login to Api Designer with active directory


    We can login Api Designer with an identity , on the other hands we have been trying to login Api Designer with acitve directory , but we couldn't. We have an active directory releated identity. We don't think that there is a problem fot active directory…

  • We can not login to Api Server with active directory


    We can login Api Server with an identity , on the other hands we have been trying to login Api Server with acitve directory , but we couldn't. We have an active directory releated identity. We don't think that there is a problem fot active directory…

  • Calling methods/Generating events for entities from Angular Web Portal (9.1)

    Environment: OIM9.1, API Server, Angular Web Portal

    Hello Community,

    I 'd be really grateful if you could point me into the right direction with a feature that I need to implement into the Web Portal.

    On a technical level, the requirement is to generate…

  • Session Expired error with new Angular Web Portal via Load Balancer

    Hello, we are experiencing some issues with the new Angular Web Portal. We are testing the load balancer configuration with sticky session based on the persistency of the cookie ss-pid. When we try to connect to the Web Portal (/ApiServer/html/qer-app…

  • IMOD-SE - Web Portal and Custom API doesn't show query result from view

    I developed a custom API that takes the data present from a view created on the database.

    A new page has been created on…
  • Unable to execute script using rolebasedPerson user where same script able to execute using system user.

    I am unable to execute the Custom script via API server using RoleBasedperson. Already assigned Common_StartSCripts Program function to created Permission group. If I am updating person table via script, Do I need to provide any additional permission…

  • Composition API - Paging mechanism

    When using the entity based methods you do get built-in paging using the PageSize and StartIndex query variables. What is necessary to use the built-in paging mechanism when using custom methods?



  • How to develop Custom Composition API

    I'm just started with  Custom Composition API development.

    With the  Custom Composition API development I'm running into a problem.

    if I execute my custom API-Code (which derives from IApiProviderFor<PortalApiProject>)  the "imxClient.exe 

  • Why do I always receive 401 Unauthorized when I try to use the APIs?

    I'm trying to use the default APIs in One Identity Manager 8.2.

    With PostMan, I'm trying to perform a GET request to the url https://[AppServerURLasFoundInTheDesigner]/AppServer/appserver/authmodules as described in the One Identity Manager 8.2 REST…

  • Cannont compile API Server UI

    We have v8.1.4 activated QBM\HtmlDevelopment\Compiler again (after some period of not missing it) and want to compile the API Server UI.

    The interresting part from the log

    2021-07-20 09:56:23 WebCompiler Starting process npm.cmd, args = run build:debug…