Need Assistance with SQL Query Interview Questions


I am currently preparing for SQL interviews and have come across a resource that contains SQL query interview questions. The resource can be found here SQL Query-based Interview Questions I believe this will be helpful for others as well.

However, as I delve into the questions, I'm encountering some challenges with a few specific queries. I was wondering if anyone could lend a hand and help me out by providing some code solutions or insights for the following problems:

1. Find the second highest salary from the "employees" table.
2. Calculate the average age of employees in each department from the "employees" table.
3. Retrieve the names of employees who have not been assigned to any project from the "employees" table.
4. List the projects that have more than 3 employees assigned to them from the "projects" table.

If any of you have already solved these problems or are willing to give them a try, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Feel free to share your code solutions, explanations, or any relevant tips that could aid in solving these SQL queries effectively.

Thank you in advance for your help.