• Need Assistance with SQL Query Interview Questions


    I am currently preparing for SQL interviews and have come across a resource that contains SQL query interview questions. The resource can be found here SQL Query-based Interview Questions I believe this will be helpful for others as well.


  • Sync job connecting to SQL server by aad integrated authentication?

    Working to reduce reliance on static passwords for integration. 

    How can I create a sync job to connect to a SQL target system using Azure Active Directory integrated authentication? The account running the job service has access to the SQL I need, but…

  • SQL Query for person entitlements

    Hi Experts,

    I would require a sql query that will display all the persons entitlement.

    though i have tried it in version 8.2 with following query

     SELECT QERVPersonHasElement.Ident_Element,QERVPersonHasElement.UID_Person, QERVPersonHasElement.Ident_RessourceType…