How to configure authentication module für angular-based portal?!


We are currently running the first steps in version 9.1.1.
We also want to see what steps are necessary to get the new portal based on Angular up and running.

In the documentation ( the point "Configuring authentication" is explained.

But I can't find this point in the admin portal neither at imx nor at portal.
For example, in one environment we want to have single sign-on - in another we do not. Where is this to be set?
Presumably there is still something to configure for Angular-Web?!
In the previous WebDesigner portal you could adjust the setting you were looking for via Web.config - is there something similar for Angular?
How to proceed with this?

Thanks a lot for any hints on this matter!

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  • Thanks Troy - this setting seems to be correct.

    I have set the first authentication method for the API Designer in the Web Server Configuration as "Employee (dynamic)". As second "system user".
    In the login screen to the Web Portal, however, I am offered only the 3 variants regarding ADS Account (ADS Account dynamic, ADS Account, ADS Account role-based).
    If I now want to assign the module "Employee (dynamic)" to the PRogram "API Designer", I get the following error:

    [1025012] Object (Authentication modules) could not be saved!
    [810306] Error running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic'.

    How do I get a different login method configured for the Angular Web?
    In the old/previous Web Designer Web this was possible in the WebDesingerConfigEditor.

  • The authentication for the angular web portal is controlled by the following:

    Base Data > Security settings > Programs

    Click on WebDesigner and then select Authentication module

    Make sure the Disabled check box is empty for Employee (dynamic)

    Save the changes and recycle the application pool in IIS

    Now when you login to the Angular web portal you will see the Employee (dynamic) in the drop down list.

  • Thanks Troy - with your advice and the colleague who usually takes care of permissions in the application, we got it working.

    We had to enable the desired methods for the selection in the front ends first.
    Now we are one step further - more questions will follow :-)