Calling methods/Generating events for entities from Angular Web Portal (9.1)

Environment: OIM9.1, API Server, Angular Web Portal

Hello Community,

I 'd be really grateful if you could point me into the right direction with a feature that I need to implement into the Web Portal.

On a technical level, the requirement is to generate a (custom) event for an entity (Person) by a button click in the "My Direct Reports" view.

This exact technical use case is documented in the App Server API's reference guide:

... and we did this customization quite often in the Web Designer:
Define Event Handler > Action > Object Method > Trigger Event (collection, name, filter)

Now I wonder if there is an equivalent implementation on the API Server and in the client libraries to support this on the new frontend.

The visuals are already implemented and I have this function in qer > identities > identities.component.ts:

// This method should only be available for identities with CCC_UID_Identity_Type => "... Entra ID Guest"
  public async deleteIdentity(identity: PortalPersonReports) {
    if (!this.isGuest(identity)) {
      console.warn("This method should not be available for this identity => abort");

    // TODO: Add translations, Add API call to trigger deletion/deactivation of guest identity
    if (await this.confirmationService.confirmDelete("Delete Guest Account", "Are you sure you want to delete this guest account?")) {
      console.log("Trigger deletion request for UID_Person", identity.GetEntity().GetKeys()[0])

      // Trigger CCC_Deprovision_... event generation here:

Any input would be appreciated! Many thanks,


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