API Server cannot establish connection to the database

Hi experts,

since few days I am experiencing issues with the API Server. It is apparently not able to establish connection to the database. It had previously worked seamlessly since the installation (about 1 year ago) and there were no intenational changes on the API itself. There were modifications in the dynamic module qer-app-portal upon the day, as the issue appeared. I wonder if there would be any correlation to the error...

When i call .../ApiServer/imx/ping in the browse, i get this response:


Logs on the server are saying this:

--- System.Exception: API could not be loaded. The API server will be running in connectionless mode. ---> System.Exception: Could not load API from provider: API from ScriptAssembly
at QBM.CompositionApi.ApiManager.DbMethodProvider.<GetBranchedMethodSetsAsync>d__12.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
 ERROR ( WebLog ) : An error occurred while processing the request: GET http://<host>/ApiServer/imx/entityschema System.Exception: An error occurred while processing the request: GET http://<host>/ApiServer/imx/entityschema ---> System.Exception: Error while building schema for imx/multilanguage/uicultures ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionExtensions.MultiLanguage(ISession session)

>>>> I am using Version 8.2.1 <<<<<

I have already spent multiple hours on debugging. No results. 

I would really appreciate any suggestions or help.



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