New custom API doesn't work on Web Portal

I want to create a new page on the Web Portal to display the AERoles.
I developed a new custom API:
                    m => m.Crud.EntityType = EntityType.Interactive
                    m =>
                        m.EnableDataModelApi = true;
                        m.EnableGroupingApi = true;

After compilation, I uploaded the API dll file to OneIdentity via Software Loader.
By accessing the API Server I can correctly test the new APIs added.
Using the command "imxclient compile-api /copyapi imx-api-ccc.tgz /packagename imx-api-ccc", I created the new package to import into the Angular project. I installed it with command "npm install ../imx-api-ccc.tgz"
Trying to call the new API to set the DataModel and display the data in the table, I get the error:
Type Error: this.qerClient.client.portal_ccc_AERole_datamodel_get is not a function
But opening the installed package, I can see the method:
V2ApiClientMethodFactory.prototype.portal_ccc_AERole_datamodel_get = function (options) {
            if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
            return {
                path: '/portal/ccc/AERole/datamodel',
                parameters: imxQbmDbts.MethodDefinition.MakeQueryParameters(options, []),
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                    'imx-timezone': imxQbmDbts.TimeZoneInfo.get(),
                credentials: 'include',
                observe: 'response',
                responseType: 'json'

Any suggestion? Thank you
Parents Reply
  • Hi Niels,

    I created new tgz file with this command (in One Identity Manager directory): imxclient compile-api /copyapi imx-api-ccc.tgz /packagename imx-api-ccc

    Move the new tgz file in your project path, then you can import new custom API package with command: npm install {your_path}/imx-api-ccc.tgz

    Then I created new API service (similar to api-service) with import: import { V2Client, Client, TypedClient } from 'imx-api-ccc';

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