Connecting Azure Service Principal with OpenID with API Server not AppServer

I am currently working on integrating my Azure App with an external API Server using OAuth and have successfully established a user-based connection to the web portal. However, my objective now is to enable service-to-service communication, allowing the Azure App to connect as a service rather than on behalf of an individual user.

Could you please advise if this type of connection is feasible without the necessity of routing through an AppServer? If so, I would greatly appreciate some guidance on how to structure the POST request for this purpose.

For context, here is an example of what I believe the POST request might resemble for connecting to an AppServer. I am curious to know how this would differ when directly connecting to an API Server, if such a direct connection is indeed possible:

POST https://server/ApiServer/ Content-Type: application/json { "Module": "Token", "Url": "">apiserver/.../", "ClientId": "AppID", "ClientSecret": "Secret", "TokenEndpoint": "">" }

right now i am on 9.1.1