Angular Web Portal Import Problem


  I followed all the steps in the given link “ Firstly, I downloaded the project from GitHub and then customized the project and built the project. Then, I zip the file as “Html_qer-app-portal” and saved via Software loader. I copied the file in “bin\imxweb\custom”. However, when I run the web portal I’ve got ‘ html error page not found 404’ error. Could you please help and inform me about this problem.

  • Hi, 

    Can you please detail the steps?

    1. Download the project
    2. For portal, build qbm, qer and then build qer-app-portal
    3. Go to the dist/qer-app-portal folder, select all elements and zip them as Is there an index.html inside, at the very least? 
    4. Upload the file to <webroot>/Apiserver/bin/imxweb/custom. You may try to rename the original file on /bin/imxweb and copy your customized one there.
    5. Restart the web server (just in case)

  • Hi
    First of all, thank you for your support and responding. I've done the steps you mentioned. There's an index.html file inside the zipe file. Additionally, I installed with software loader. The error still persists.

  • Hi, sorry I've been off for a few days.

    During the testing phase you can ignore the Software loader part.

    When you compiled qer-app-portal, did you add the production flag? 

    ng build qer-app-portal --configuration production

    This, among other, will use different environment files in the environments folder of the project: environment.ts for development or for production. In these files, please check the clientUrl matches these values:

    • for development it should match the url of your local/testing apiserver
    • for production, it should be emtpy ('') 

    Also please check your log files, both iis and <webroot>/Apiserver/App_Data/Logs, they might shed some light on this.

    Let me know of the resutls. 

  • Hi, sorry I've been off for a few days.

    During the testing phase you can ignore the Software loader part.

    When you compiled qer-app-portal, did you add the production flag? 

    ng build qer-app-portal --configuration production

    This, among other, will use different environment files in the environments folder of the project: environment.ts for development or for production. In these files, please check the clientUrl matches these values:

    • for development it should match the url of your local/testing apiserver
    • for production, it should be emtpy ('') 

    Also please check your log files, both iis and <webroot>/Apiserver/App_Data/Logs, they might shed some light on this.

    Let me know of the resutls. 

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your support, I've made the changes. It gets stuck on the loading screen before reaching the login screen. It gives the error 'Could not send.

    cookies. This can happen when another exception has already occurred while processing this request. System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Server cannot

    append header after HTTP headers have been sent.' I set the SameSite cookie value to none, but the error still persists. Could you help me?

  • Hi Omer,

    Never faced that error before. Could you please restart the apiserver , clean the log , retry the access and paste the log file here? See if anyone could help us.

    I should've asked before, but:

    • The version of the copy you downloaded from github matches your one identity version?
    • Did you check the webserver requisites in the documentation and configure it accordingly? I take it we're talking IIS, right?
  • Hi Juancarlos,

    Thank you for your support. It's working now. An error was occurring due to the mismatch between the Github version and our One Identity version. The issue has been resolved.

    Kind Regards,