Issue with One Identity API: Unable to make pwo/order call with a "/" in the name

Hello everyone,

I'm currently facing an issue with the One Identity API where I'm unable to successfully make a pwo/order API call when the name contains a slash (/). I've tried encoding the slash as %2F and even attempted double encoding it as %252F, but neither seems to work.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem or found a workaround for including a slash in the name for an API call? Any insights or suggestions on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Hello Jannis,

    Our API routing is handled by ASP.NET Web API. We have found that they are not handling slashes well, even you escape them. I don't think you have just two options here:

    - switch to supporting UIDs instead of identifiers

    - pass the identitier in a query parameter may also work - I have not tried this.