Error during database upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2

Dear all

I have installed the 9.2 tools and attempting to upgrade to version 9.2.

However I am running into an error: Processing step 'QBM ConsistencyAdvanced (consistency checks base advanced)' failed.

  • We are running on a Azure SQL instance for the database

Processing step 'QBM ConsistencyAdvanced (consistency checks base advanced)' failed.
1 - Sql command failed.
Error running statement: exec QBM_PIndexCreateGenerated '%'
Database error 50000: re-throw in QBM_PIndexDrop Line 21
Database error 50000: re-throw in QBM_PExecuteSQLWithRetry_LLP Line 33
Database error 3930: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.
Database error 3930: detected in  (SRV=sql-azd-oneidentity, DB=OneID_DEV) procedure QBM_PExecuteSQLWithRetry_LLP Line 12 code starting with : drop index if exists dbo."QBMFileRevision"."GEN_XA9C7832CE9EEDBCD25E8860AE"
Database error 1222: Lock request time out period exceeded.
Database error 1222: detected in  (SRV=sql-azd-oneidentity, DB=OneID_DEV) procedure QBM_PExecuteSQLWithRetry_LLP Line 1 code starting with : drop index if exists dbo."QBMFileRevision"."GEN_XA9C7832CE9EEDBCD25E8860AE"