Request Property field issue


I am having an issue with the request property:

The request is from the personwantsorg table, and I want to calculate the dynamic fields in the parameter query using "%", for example, UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'.

This works fine, but when I try to use another parameter from personwantsorg, it doesn't work.

I need the app name, for example, nameApp = '%DisplayOrgParent%'.

It's not a permission issue because if I use a static query, the apps are displayed correctly (for example, if I enter nameApp='TST').

Could you help me with this?

Thank you,

  • Which version of OneIM are you using?

    What type of request property are you using, the legacy of the new one?

    At which stage of the request process are you seeing the issue? In the shopping cart or after/during the request?

  • Hi Markus,

    I'm using 9.2 on demand.
    We are using the new one (obsolete definiton is not flagged).
    I see the issue in the shopping cart (I expect to have a list in which I select the apps filtered by the query on the app name).

    Thank you,


  • Understood. The thing is, that the property DisplayOrgParent does not exist in ShoppingCartItem. The base entity for the request properties in this stage is ShoppingCartItem.

  • Understood, thank you!
    Our service item has the name of the app on the field CustomProperty01.
    how the query should be to retreive this value?

    I tried with the query: CCC_nameApp='%FK(ObjectKeyOrdered),ESet.CustomProperty01%' but it doesn't work

    Thank you,


  • I presume your parameter is called CCC_nameApp, and the parameter type is set to calculated.

    In the property Table column (calc.) you must pick the column Accproduct.UID_AccProduct.
    In the property Condition (calc.), you must provide the following where clause.

    UID_AccProduct = '%UID_AccProduct%'

  • I try to explain my use case:

    I have a custom table called CCC_APP_SOC that contains assignments of applications  and companies (the fields are CCC_App and CCC_Company). For example, CCC_App=ABC and CCC_Company=001.

    • In the IT shop, there are applications, and the user needs to select a service item under one of these applications.
    • Once the service item is selected, the user can choose from a list of companies in the cart.
    • The companies in this list are displayed based on the request property we discussed earlier.
    • Specifically, it should show the companies from the CCC_APP_SOC table for which the CCC_App field matches the app selected in the cart (thus matching the customproperty01 of Eset).

    If the entity starts from ShoppingCartItem, theway to retrieve the app name should be: Foreign key ObjectKeyOrdered (of table ShoppingCartItem) CustomProperty01 (of table ESet)

  • Note, that you cannot use the FK notation. the where-clause is in SQL not in VB code.

    Replace AccProduct.CustomProperty01 with ESet.CustomProperty01 and the where clause with:


  • Hi Markus,

    Thank you so much, I used this value in other parameter with $PC(field)$ an now it's working!

    But now the user has to select this field manually, is there a way this value is setted automatically?
    I've also set show in "parameter subsets" = No, so this is hidden too.

    Thank you so much for you help,

  • Sorry, I am lost again. What is your current complete parameter configuration and what is displayed in the WebUI that you do not want to happen?

  • Sure, I'll try to explain:

    I have a request property with 2 parameters:

    Parameter 1) Name of the application selected from the IT shop
    - ParameterName1="Application"
    - ParameterType="Calculated"
    - Data Source= "Table"
    - Table column = "ESet - CustomProperty01"
    - Condition= "XObjectKey='%ObjectKeyOrdered%'"

    Parameter 2) List of companies displayed based on the application of the request
    - ParameterName="Company"
    - ParameterType="User prompt"
    - Data Source= "Table"
    - Table column= "CCC_APP_SOC - CCC_App"
    - Condition= "CCC_App=$PC(Application)$"

    On the portal side, this happens:
    - The user selects the application on the left and the service item on the right.
    - CURRENT Condition: In the shopping cart, the user has to manually select the application from the dropdown menu and then he can choose the list of companies based on the selected application above.
    - DESIRED Condition: In the shopping cart, the user should be able to choose a list of companies without having to manually select the application from the dropdown menu.

    So I wonder, is there a way to automate the filling of the value of parameter 1? I would like it not to be displayed on the portal because it is only needed for the calculation of parameter 2.

    Thank you so much,
