Unauthorized when calling Application Server Rest API


we have strange issue with AppServer Rest API. We are using "DialogUser" authentication module. There are permissions for two custom views and permissions for running script which checks validity of the account on a specific date. External partner, for which this API was provided, does following steps:

  • Login to get the session
  • Calls following API for each active user (aprox. 3200 users ) - at the end it is number of users x 3 calls = 9600:
    • api/entities/View1?where=PersonnelNumber='" + ID+ "'&loadType=BulkReadOnly"
    • api/script/CCC_IsAccountValid - with parameter date
    • api/entities/View2?where=PersonnelNumber='" + ID+ "'&loadType=BulkReadOnly"
  • Log out when everything is completed.

At some point, the result of the call is "Unauthorized" (not as status code, but as plain text), but the next call without any additional authentication is again successful. Failed call happens every 30-34 calls. From the trace log I can't see nothing suspicious. Unauthorized calls, that didn't have proper authorization are clearly seen in logs - for example if they don't call the authentication.

DialogUser permissions:

  • View permissions on views and all related columns
  • AppServer API
  • Common_StartScripts

Thank you,


Parents Reply
  • We were able to figure out what was wrong. At the end it showed up, that there is load balancer working at some "random" logic - the request from Windows server always ended at the IIS1, but requests from Linux ended in both of them randomly. The majority of them ended on IIS1 but every 30-40 or so calls ended on IIS2. The AppServer on the IIS2 had different session token certificate. 
     , I have one related question, if a customer issued their own certificate - at the moment we are using the one IAM generates at the installation, which functions should have? In the installation guide it is not mentioned, or I missed it.
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