• API: Problems with Search

    When calling portal/shop/serviceitems?..&search=, from time to time an error occurs that we cannot reproduce/explain

    You do not have permissions for this action. You must log in.
    Sie haben keine Berechtigung für diese Aktion. Melden Sie sich an.…

  • API server - change app server URL


    Is there a way to add or change appserver URL in apiserver configuration after the first setup?



  • Setting up web server that is running on AKS - oneidentity/oneim-web


    I set up servers on ACR and AKS

    When I try to login to web server with the viadmin or user that I created during the DB initialization, I get error wrong password or user. When I try to create a new one from the portal I get:

    An error occurred…
  • 401 Unauthorized response through API

    Hi everyone,

    This is my Powershell script to login:



    $authJson = ConvertTo-Json $bi -Depth 2

    $LoginRequest2 = Invoke…

  • Create system user for swagger API

    Hi everyone,

    We want create a system user to use the swagger API. This system user must be able to do only GET request on a specific table.

    To do this I add a permission group with read permission on that Table, but this user is not allowed to use Swagger…

  • Facing issue while syncing data from UCI tables to CSM tables


    I am trying to integrate Salesforce with Identity Manager using SCIM Connector. We are using 8.2 version. I created 2 sync projects:

    1. using SCIM Connector 

    2. using UCI connector to load data in CSM Tables

    While running the initial sync for SCIM…

  • Domain migration


    We migrated to a new environment from XXX to YYY and for this reason, we lost our AppServer, IdentityManager, and PasswordReset url. 

    Have we have to reinstall all again or could we import any configuration to solve this issue?.

    Please any help will…

  • Service account locking on APP Server application pool


    I'm hoping someone can tell me where to look on the appserver for the automatic updates.

    We recently changed the service account password and now it is locking out once a day.

    I found in the event logs its the app pool for the application server…

  • AppServer - How often does the search index update itself?


    we have a OneIM database migrated to version 8.0.3 in our test environment.

    Our observation is that expected terms are not found in the search index after importing transports.
    If this is noticed during the tests, we will trigger the update of the…

  • Web Server (Load Balancer) to App Server (Search Function) ver 8.1.1


    We have multiple environment, Dev and Prod.

    The current scenario in Dev is without any load balancer on web server and App server, but still we have a proxy server to connect the OAuth for AAD autentication. We have edited the web server config…

  • Implementing One Identity Defender to Identity Manager

    Hello everybody,

    I am trying to implement two-factor authentication by using One Identity Defender to ITShop and AppServer portals and then later to Manager and Designer apps. 

    For the web portals, I tried using the ISAPI Agent that One Identity provides…