Unanswered Angular questions?

Being a regular on the forum I noticed that more questions about the angular portal remain unanswered than answered.
I guess that there is no obligation for Quest to answer all questions.
Especially when questions are just are sketchy/cryptic without details let alone mention the product version.
Or when the question ask for a non-standard business specific solution. P.s. good post by Jos: Standards when posting a question

While I of course tremendously appreciate all the effort of   and  , you guys carry the forumBangbang
It would be a shame if good/interesting questions would remain unanswered.
Also for newcomers on the forum it would be a "warm" welcome if there question got answered.
Prevent unnecessary support calls, people searching the forum finding unanswered posts.

P.s. this post is meant as a positive observation and nothing personal towards individual Quest employees.


Some examples:

Cann't modify a api get endpoint

IT Shop company logo

Field Binary in a new Angular Web Portal form

How to call a script without needing authentication on HTML5 Web Portal

Customise angular web portal header title

Data Source Toolbar Filter