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Custom WorkFlow - Custom Step


We are looking for options to incorporate a custom step in the work flow process. The custom step should connect to a database and verify the status of the person before moving on the next level approver.

We could find any options to write a custom code withing the workflow. The only options available is to choose the OOTB Approval procedure which is in turn non customizable

Any info would be of help.



  • Hi Jsmith,

    you can kick off a process by using the approval procedure "EX - Approvals to be made externally". This can do any required check and send the appropriate message to the workflow by executing the MakeDecision method on the request object.

    But I wonder why the status you're looking for is not already part of the identity's data. If it would be stored in D1IM itself, the check could easily be done by using the procedure "CD - Calculated Decision".



  • Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for your update. But the CD approval procedure is limited to write SQL conditions to "Attestation and IT Shops " tables. We are looking for options to connect to the external database to verify the user status in between the work flow.



  • Hi Jsmith,

    you might be limited to "Attestation and IT Shop" tables as basis for your CD condition, but nothing prevents you from utilizing any other Identity Manager table. It might even be possible to span your statement across external databases if the linked server feature of MS SQL Server is used.

    If this is not an option and you're not able to add the users status information to your identities in D1IM via some other data flow, you can still kick off a process via the EX method and have a script gather the required information for your decision.



  • Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for the response. the condition we are talking about is not just within the D1IM database tables. We have an external database used by other system. basically we are looking at flexibility/feasibility within the work flow in write our own custom steps in the workflow process, meaning incorporate a VB script  or call a script or embed the VB code in the approval step

    Is this feasible?



  • Hi Jsmith,

    yes it is. Use the EX method in your approval workflow to start a process. Let the process run a script that gets the information. Use HandleObjectComponent CallMethod task to pass back the result to the workflow. Check the "Approval of AD group create request" and process "VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg create AD group" for an example of this kind of workflow/process combination.



  • Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for your response. The "Approval of AD group create request" call the process orchestration workflow using "EX" method at the end of the workflow to create groups in AD. Our requirements is to trigger a process to connect to an external DB and get some information and return it to the workflow to make a decision? Is this feasible.

    If yes? How will the process return employee status value to the workflow so that the workflow can make decision based on this status attribute?

    Hope my requirement is clear.



  • Hi Jsmith,

    the process I referred to was just meant to be an example of using the EX method.

    And yes, again, this is feasible.

    Write a script that...

    • connects to the external DB
    • checks the employee status
    • makes the decision
    • returns true or false

    Run this script in your process. Use its return value to proceed to the next process step which calls the MakeDecision method on the PersonWantsOrg object with either positiv or negativ decision:




  • Hi Oliver.

    Thanks for the info. The point is how to pass on the control back to work flow and how will the workflow accept the control back to trigger the request for second level approval?

    The process mentioned by has the following description "Processes create requests for AD groups after workflow gets finally approved". In our case the workflow is not complete. it has to trigger or forward the request to the next level approver



  • Hi JSmith,

    the information is "passed back" by executing the MakeDecision() method with either "grant" or "dismiss" (true or false as 2nd method parameter). The approval workflow will pause at the "EX" step and "wait" upon the decision is made by the process.



  • Hi Oliver,

    We understand the work flow will wait for this process to complete and the decision will be provided by Grant or deny method in the process.

    In that case you mean to say we should trigger another workflow to continue the process or will the work flow automatically resume?

    If it will automatically resume, then how will the work flow get to know if success or failure process to be triggered?

