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ITShop - Approval workflow - Calculated group of approvers


I try to use the "CP - Calculated group of approvers" procedure.

First I try to select the manager of the "UID_PersonOrdered" person with the condition below:

select *

from Person

where UID_Person in


          select UID_PersonHead

          from Person

          where UID_Person = '@UID_PersonOrdered'


But the request was aborted with the following reason: "Approval decided by the system, no approver available."

This is why I suppose my condition is not correct.

Does anyone see the error?



  • Hi Steffen,

    The QER\ITShop\PersonOrderedNoDecide parameter is inactive too.

    The recipient has an assigned manager (in UID_PersonHead) which is the requestor.

    I have checked the sql query in object browser, replacing 'v_uid_personwantsorg' by the PWO object id and it returns the manager id.

    I just opened a ticket on the dell support.

    Edit: my mistake was to use UID_PersonInserted instead of UID_PersonOrdered, the approval works now.



  • Hi Steffen,

    The QER\ITShop\PersonOrderedNoDecide parameter is inactive too.

    The recipient has an assigned manager (in UID_PersonHead) which is the requestor.

    I have checked the sql query in object browser, replacing 'v_uid_personwantsorg' by the PWO object id and it returns the manager id.

    I just opened a ticket on the dell support.

    Edit: my mistake was to use UID_PersonInserted instead of UID_PersonOrdered, the approval works now.



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