• How to add INSERT Event on PersonHasEset

    Hi everyone,

    i am trying to create a process which should be getting triggered by an INSERT on the PersonHasEset Table.

    Sadly I cant find any Events on that Table.

    can i maybe create an event like this manually and why is this the case?

  • Not able to trigger an event from the script

    Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to generate an event from a script.

    I tested the script using Visual Studio its triggering the event but when I tested the same from designer it not triggering any event.

    If sapMandant.ALEShortName.Contains("ND2") Then
    Dim htParameter…

  • Fire custom event from template

    In Identity Manager 6.1.3, how can I start / fire a custom event of a process out of a template?

  • Custom process for PWOHelperPWO table – no event is generated

    I have created a custom process for PWOHelperPWO table and have added all the possible generation events to it.

    When a request is being made, new rows are added to the table but no event is generated - my process doesn't start.

    When I try to generate…