• How to create custom collection?


    When I try to create a custom Collection I receive the following error:

    "Object not set to an instance of an object"

    I need the custom collection to link it to an Autocomplete Textbox.

    How do I create a collection?

    I haven't found any guide…

  • Installation - 9.1 locally or VM


    I am using Azure with SQL, ACR and AKS but first I need to go through Installation wizard. So the question is:

    Is it good option to Install it locally and to maintain it if needed instead of using VM and have additional costs?

  • How to run a prepared statement (QBMLimitedSQL) with parameters from a process step?

    Hi One Identity Manager Community,

    We have some complex SQL scripts that are run from processes that we would like to store as prepared statements (QBMLimitedSQL) rather than as the parameter to a SQLComponent task.

    So far I have not been able to find…

  • Add Autocomplete Textbox on web portal


    We try to add an Autocomplete Textbox on the web portal through the Web Designer.

    We want to add this textbox in the organizationl data - Field to add a new parameter when a new user is created.

    How can I link a custom table with all the value that…

  • Standart UCI_Update generates Insert command in the backend

    Hello community,

    I created a SCIM sync project using the SCIM connector in the synchronization editor. In my DEV environment everything is working correctly. 
    I used transport packages to transport the connector to my TEST environment, the problem I'm…

  • Contractor To permanent Employee

    Hi All,

    I have one scenario in which I have to write a code for  contractor who are getting promoted to employee in a company for this i have to check whether the Employee ID of the contractor and the newly created employee record  are same.

    If they are…

  • Could not load file or assembly 'AAD.Customizer' or one of its dependencies

    Hi All,

    We are using version 8.2 of One Identity Manager. I am trying to create a project using Starling connector, the connection gets established but while loading the schema, I get the error "Could not load file or assembly 'AAD.Customizer' or one…

  • Create system user for swagger API

    Hi everyone,

    We want create a system user to use the swagger API. This system user must be able to do only GET request on a specific table.

    To do this I add a permission group with read permission on that Table, but this user is not allowed to use Swagger…

  • How to assign automatically Distribution Groups


    I have to assign automatically Azure AD distribution groups to some accounts if they have the mailbox enabled and also depending of their location.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you,


  • How to schedule a job to run hourly except a particular interval

    How to schedule a job to run hourly except a particular interval ?

    I tried it in Designer > Edit Schedule, but there is no such option to put exception interval.

    Checked both in OIM Version 8.1.5 and 9.1.1

  • how to write in a table using vb.net in one identity manager

    Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
    Dim collectionUsers As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("CCC_Context_Identifier_Def")

    collectionUsers.Prototype.WhereClause = (f.Comparison("CCC_Context_UUID","ContextUUIDParam", ValType.String…

  • Error history in jobqueue is not required

    Is there any way to get only the current error messages for a frozen job in the job queue after re-enable it few times.

    Instead of complete error history I need only the current error message in jobqueue.

  • Update Script for a value column in Person Table

    I wanna add a modification to a script used for calculating the CCC_Direction value in the Person table. CCC_Direction corresponds to the Direction to which the person is attached calculated based on DepartmentName column in the Department table as shown…

  • One Identity Manager - Send Email On Deletion of PersonHasQERResource

    I need to send a email when a QERResource assignment is deleted. So I made a email template using PersonHasQERResource and my first thought was to assign it to a custom process for PersonHasQERResource on the Delete event. However, its deleted before this…

  • Connect One Identity Manager with SIEM

    We want to connect SIEM with One Identity Manager.

    We create a view in OIM with all data that SIEM wants read. How can SIEM access to OIM view? Is it possible through Job Service or DB or we must open an API for SIEM?

    We use One Identity Manager…

  • Reason type on request doesn't work

    Hi Community,

    I have changed the reason type on request to free text required in the service item, but this is not mandatory. When selecting standard reason required, nothing changes in the webshop either.
    Is there a field in the web designer that affects…

  • upgrade

    Hi all

    I have One Identity password manager version installed on one of my Azure VM.
    i want to upgrade it to 5.12. please guide me with the steps as i have never used this product before.

  • Script assembly Webapp_VI_StandardWeb_Debug_AP not found in 'DialogScriptAssembly'.

    Hello all,

    (I already check other question about this problem)

    Context :

    When I'm on user interface and go to the website I have an error 500 "Impossible to display..."

    So I go to the website directly from the IIS Web Server and when I…

  • how to delete/disable multiple compliance rules

    We have a requirement to delete multiple compliance rules and it seems only disabled rules can be deleted in One Identity Manager so I am trying to disable them first then delete but getting error.

    I tried from Manager > Identity Audit > Rules > selected…

  • One Identity Manager 8.1.5 Set Account Disabled on UNSAccountB when Fully Managed

    We have a custom target system that we sync to that has a account disabled property that is synced outside of OneIM using the OneIM API and the targets API. The only issue is setting account disabled on the UNSAccountB as the object is fully managed but…

  • REST API api/entities/<entityname> response body

    When consuming 1IM REST API endpoint  /api/entities/<entityname> ( being entityname a ReadOnly view)

    on GET request i would like to exclude the ootb attributes marked in brown from the JSON response and return only the attributes within "values" object…

  • Password expired for Viadmin, no AD account linked and password can not be changed.

    Hi OneID comunity,

    I recently fired up my demo environment and the password was expired of the viadmin account when trying to setup a new password i got the following error: 
    "Password policy processing failed. An Active Directory user account is required…

  • Designer Test Script dropdown resize?


    In OIM 9 (9.1.1), the Designer's Test Script window's list of scripts dropdown is a lot smaller than in previous versions 8 (8.1.4)... is there a way to resize or revert that dropdown again so we can actually read the names? Or is this a bug?…

  • Unable to input the password to Create a new SQL Server Logins for the database in Configuration Wizard as it is greyed out, and even unable to use other options as I get different error messages.

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm having a weird issue, I'm not sure if the approach is correct or wrong, as I'm completely new to OIM, and this is happening while creating new SQL Server Logins for the administrator in Configuration Wizard.

    Version: 9…

  • Change manager's subordinates through web portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 8.1.5 and I want change manager's subordinates through Web Portal keeping the previous subordinates' rights by default.

    Is it possible?

    Thanks in advace for the help.

    Have a nice day,
