• Unable to connect with the service account for one of a client while trying to enter the user account for installing and operating the service.

    Dear All,

    Currently, we are having an issue with one of our clients and this is a new implementation project for OIM, with OIM 9.1 version.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1) We have created a path for the installation of OIM in folder C:\OIM\One IdentityManager9…

  • Change Manger through Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I use OIM version 81.5 and I want to change a default behaviour of OIM in the Web Portal.

    When a manager wants change his subordinates' manager, he click on the subordinate, then on "Master Data" and finally on the button "Assign new manager…

  • Export Report in Analyzer tool


    I would like to know if there is any way to export report of analysis done for role mining from Analyzer tool?


  • Account definition for Sharepoint


    I need to create account definitions for a Sharepoint connector that links the account to a specific site.

    My question is: we have so many site collections (30+), should I create manually an account definition for each site or is there a way to create…

  • DBTransporterCMD throwing System.OperationCanceledException

    During transporting transport packages over DBTransporterCMD.exe tool throwing an error System.OperationCanceledException - thin happen when some tasks are in the DBQueue. Error is throwed after 5 minutes.

    Transport finished successfully (4/19/2023 12…

  • BC30652Reference required to assembly 'JobComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d0660cde5b231fd' containing the type 'JobComponent'. Add one to your project.

    Am upgrading the OIM from 8.1.2 to 9.0 LTS version. While upgrading it has locked my script, because of the below error.

    BC30652 Reference required to assembly 'JobComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d0660cde5b231fd' containing…

  • Error while deploying agent for DGE


    I am currently integrating One Identity Manager v. 8.1.5 with the Data Governance module.

    While deploying the agents for the Local Windows Computer and the Generic Host Type, the following error appears in the DGE log:

    Value cannot be null.

  • Business Role Role - Permission to add business role

    Hello Everyone,

    I have a simple question for you and probably it is very simple but I am not finding the solution.

    I would like to add a "role" or permission to specific user so this user can add business roles for other users.

    please if you…

  • anonymizer

    hello there,

    does One Identity have an integrated tool to anonymize the existing data. 

    The target is to have a Production-like data in a lower environment, but then where the names are randomly changed.  

    Thanx in advance, kind regards

    I Kendiroglu

  • Issue with attribute in VI_Person_Overview_With_History report


    we are trying to use the VI_Person_Overview_With_History default report in the Report Editor. The problem is the condition under Display_UNSAccountDisplay_cn.

    {If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(UNSAccount.Data_CanonicalName),UNSAccount.Display, UNSAccount.Data_CanonicalName…

  • SharePoint connector

    Hi all,

    I am setting up a SharePoint farm connector on One Identity Manager version 8.1.5.

    Reading the documentation, it is written that it is necessary to set up a synchronization server with the SharePoint farm, the One Identity Manager Service, the Sha…

  • HTML5 portal MsgBox from request property


    I have created a request property that checks if a user-entered group name (cn) is unique. If the entered value already exists, the user should get a dialog box explaining the error. I have the following code in the Validation script of the request…

  • Process not triggered for ObjectHasExtendedAttribute table


    I am in version 9.0 and I want to generate a custom process on table ObjectHasExtendedAttribute.

    I have used both INSERT/ASSIGN events (although that table is not ticked as M:N for which the guide says that option "Assign by event" only works),…

  • Log Frozen Job to Windows Eventlog without 'Send Mail'

    Hi all,

    We are currently logging our frozen jobs to the Windows event log. This is important for us, because we have set up a monitor on it, which generates an ITSM ticket in case of frozen jobs.

    To execute the process step 'Log to Eventlog', the process…

  • Threshold for number of deactivations/deletions in target systems


    We have OIM 9.1 integrated with an HR-system (trusted source), as well as AD and Exchange (target systems). To compensate potential data errors from HR (eg. wrong end date is set on employees), we have a requirement to implement a threshold for number…

  • Modifying a list of attributes for ADSAccount in web portal in OIM 9.1


    We have OIM 9.1 and are using the new angular based web portal. We wish to extend the list of attributes for ADSAccount that are shown in Data Explorer view in the web portal. We have extended the list of editable properties for ADSAccount (ie. ServerConfig…

  • What is the Reason for EBSUser responsibility validTo date being set.

    Hi Team, 

    We are observing the following behavior in EBSUser responsibility table. 

    When the EBS sync is being run we have seen for some users the EBS user responsibility ValidTo date in EBSUserInResp table is being set and that is triggering De provisioning…

  • System Meter Report definitions

    Hi everyone:

    I've just downloaded the System Meter Report from One Identity Manager to count my users, but I can't find a definition for the different categories (Distributor, Provider, Contractor, etc.). I need to differentiate managed persons from…

  • Sharepoint farm connector user permission

    Hi everyone,

    I am currentry trying to set up a synchronization project for a Sharepoint farm.

    Reading from the documentation, the required permissions for the user accessing the farm are the following:

    The connector uses the server farm account to log…

  • Successfactor new field not appearing in One Identity Starling

    Hi all,

    Would you know as to why the newly created attribute or field in HR Successfactor is not appearing in Starling?

    Do I miss some step or do I need to do anything in Starling end in order for the new field reflects in it?

    Hope someone can help us…

  • Documentation in French/German


    Our manager would like to implement One Identity over our network. However, the main office is US-based, but we have many branches in other countries. For example, one of our subcontractor is a floral company in France, while we have several others…

  • Migrating sync project to 9.0

    After migrating from 8.1 to 9.0 IDM starts the DPR_Migrate_Shells jobs as expected to migrate the sync projects into the newest version.

    The issue is that the credentials for the associated connections are wrong (sql users were changed), therefore the…

  • Why is the type of XIsInEffect Integer on the UNSAccountInUNSGroup table


    I have observed that the type of the XIsInEffect ususally Boolean, but on the UNSAccountInUNSGroup table it is specified as an Integer. Why is that the case? What could a value other than 1 or 0 indicate in terms of an assignment being in effect?

  • How to Displaying the One Identity Manager Service log file with https - securely


    Could you help me somebody?

    The default configuration is:     http://<server name>:<port number>        The default value is port 1880

    We woud like to use with https secure protocol   -    or with ssl.

    How can I configure the IIS server   -   or…

  • How to Create a Mask for SNN or National Identity Card ?

    Hello, I have a situation to register users on the portal, in "include a new employee", in a certain field we have the option "CPF", which would be a national identification document of a citizen, equivalent to the SNN or Carteira Nacional de American…