• Package Transport - Single user mode

    Hello everyone,

    Is there any way to monitor, maybe check, which Transport packages importing may cause single user mode?
    In case of schema modification, it is evidential, but we would like to know in advance if certain TP installations cause this.


  • Creation/Usage of Transport Files


    OIM Version: 8.1.5

    I've have a requirement to create a Transport file to import some changes from a lower environment into a higher one.

    I've read through the information in the Operational Guide around Transports, and I can't see any answers…

  • Wrong export file while one of table column is set as 'Part of alternative primary key'

    I found an issue during creating object export.

    In the table Department I have set CustomProperty01 as Part of alternative primary key.

    Export it as Transport of selected objects and dependencies and in the zip file I found the in the XML file department…

  • Automatic deployment transport packages slow compiler


    We working on automated deployment for our changes in OneIdentity using Azure DevOps. Right now we have a working pipeline but one of the bottlenecks we are having is the compiler.

    High-over we currently have the following workflow:

    • We create a …