• Date difference excluding weekends, similar to NETWORKDAYS function

    Is there a way to find the difference between two dates excluding weekends? I was hoping that NETWORKDAYS function would be available, but it is not. I am using version 9.0.

  • Report validation script

    I'm trying to create a report for IT Shop requests to be used by application managers. Since we have  > 30 000 products and no logical grouping parameters, i have just writtens this in the sql query:

    WHERE pwo.DisplayOrg LIKE '%' + @Displayorg +…

  • VB reference manual

    Hi experts,

    I want to change some pre-scripts on some "process". But, there are many functions that I don't know, such as "Connection.Getsingleproperty()", "Pers.CallFunction()", etc. Is there any VB Reference Manual for those functions?…

  • Convert IEntityCollection to String Array

    Dear community,

    is there an easier / shorter way to convert values from IEntityCollection to a string array? At the moment I'm filling in the string array by looping through the IEntity object like this:

        Dim colObjects As IEntityCollection…