• API server - change app server URL


    Is there a way to add or change appserver URL in apiserver configuration after the first setup?



  • Composition API - Paging mechanism

    When using the entity based methods you do get built-in paging using the PageSize and StartIndex query variables. What is necessary to use the built-in paging mechanism when using custom methods?



  • ApiServer Web Portal Authentication

    Is there a way to default the Authentication type for the ApiServer's Web Portal (/ApiServer/html/qer-app-portal/#/)? Doesn't seem to be much of anything in the documentation.

    Just considering using the new portal UI with a solution that has…

  • Request Property and data from PersonInDepartment

    Hi all,

    I am trying to solve the following use case:
    An Employee is associated with several Departments through PersonInDepartment. When the Employee is ordering a product from ITShop, they should be able to select one of their Departments in a drop down…